VelvetKey Member


  • Unless you have dial-up, then there's really no easier way to track calories than MFP. Even Weight Watchers calculations are far more time consuming! In the time it took my grandma to calculate and write out all her points, I could have logged into MFP three times and done my food journal, because my favorites are stored.
  • I was going to say, have you tried Boxers or Briefs? Great party game, in the same vein as Apples to Apples but far more personal and hysterical.
  • Hah, now Level 36! And somewhere along the way I multi-classed to Cleric.....
  • Before: February 2011 Current: April 2012 260 to 198; now 195 and 25 lbs. 'til goal.
  • Right now I could go for a large bowl of Cracklin' Oat Bran and some real, 2% milk. (I am a Lactaid skim milk drinker by necessity.) Around dinner, though, a Sonic grilled chicken club toaster with tots and a diet Dr. Pepper. I would legitimately do this if Sonic hadn't taken it off of the menu last year. :grumble:
  • In celebrating the awesomeness of the Legend of Zelda, I feel I can share this photo of my engagement ring with fellow gamers: Fiance nailed it. ^.^ ETA: Silly picture is so small...and please pardon the early-morning-at-work look. :-P
  • Sure, Riz! We always need casters when you've got that many tanks! I'm 5' 9.75"; I've been told I carry the weight well, but all the same I'm hoping to smooth out some of the remaining pooches through exercise and continued weight loss. The three of us participate in an online MMORPG, but we don't really need excuses to…
  • That's why you use Monster Play!
  • I never thought of making a bucket list, but some of these suggestions are just so great I started one! Things I added not previously mentioned here: - swim with dolphins - visit an intact semi-submerged/submerged shipwreck - visit Hawai'i - finish a novel and submit it for publication - own a mustang convertible and do my…
  • I've recently tried and really liked spaghetti squash. I now prefer it instead of pasta and I've only made it twice, but at less than 50 calories for a cup, it's unbelievably good and worth the effort. There's also a type of pasta out there that's very high in protein (and maybe gluten-free?) that's still higher in…
  • Not anymore. I got a BPA lecture from the licensed nutritionist I work with for our local public school district when she caught me eating Progresso soup one day. I did some homework on my own about it, and found out that BPA has been banned in the U.S. from all infant bottle manufacturing. Although the USDA/FDA says that…
  • Well we all had to start somewhere.... Runescape - High school; my character was level 22 (on the outside) but could mine, smelt, and smith like a boss. Loved beating out higher level toons for ore. Them: .....mining lvl? Me: 75 Them: ......*wander to other ore* I should see if I could still login....maybe there'd be…
  • I had LotRO recommended by a friend and then dragged another friend with me to try it out; we both like it a lot better than DDO. (I will state for the record that my MMORPG experience has been Runescape and a teen, I didn't have money for WoW and then when I was in college, the network didn't support gaming, and…
  • The theme song from Dirty Jobs.... "It's a dirty job but someone's got to do it!"
  • So apparently I am going to be watching Pocahontas and Mulan sometime in the near future... Cri-Kee: Chirp! Mushu: You're lucky? Do I look like a sucker to you? Cri-Kee: Cherup! Mushu: What you mean, a loser? How 'bout if I pop one of your antennas off, and throw it across the yard? Then who's the loser, me or you? Female…
  • Level 31 Mage And if I had a specialty it would be Dance Dance Revolution Mastery. I went from Normal to Very Hard in my weight loss journey, and some day I will beast it on Super Hard. Awesome concept!
  • My roommate got me hooked on the Sims when she bought Sims 2. I never played Sims 1 when she had that, but when it became apparent that there were all these expansions one could purchase...well, Sims 2 has been it for me. Plus, I can pick up expansion packs now at the Habitat Restore for $2-$6; pretty sweet deal. I just…
  • I had a hand-me-down suit and was in the college pool during free time with some friends and the elastic on one of the leg-holes just went. Vanished. Didn't even give me a warning. Spent the rest of the swim time trying to adjust wedgies. I threw the suit away right afterwards. >.>
  • Two on Sunday... 1) Wardrobe malfunction - I haven't bothered to replace any of my skirts for church because hey I only wear them once a week, and the nice ones can be a little expensive. So I folded up a chunk at the waistline and put a safety pin through it. The result was still a little loose once the safety pin…
  • That's got to be a wonderful feeling!
  • DAH! I knew I forgot something! Definitely the Belgariad! I don't have a complete Malloreon set yet. They're 5 books apiece.
  • I find it impossible to have a favorite, but here are some that I've enjoyed intensely and will read again and again: The Chronicles of Narnia, by C.S. Lewis - Bk. 1: Magician's Nephew (7 book series) The Belisarius Series, by Eric Flint & David Drake - Vol. 1: Thunder at Dawn (2 books per volume; 3 volume/6 book series)…
  • I've wanted a Triforce for awhile, but I don't know where I'd put it yet, as directly on the back of the hand is too visible for the work environment.
  • We did that, only it was DeadSexy and his horse HotRod. "Oh DeadSexy that was so wonderful!" We're a bunch of college girls; I expect nothing less.... And from Serious Sam: The Second Encounter, something to the effect of: "I've heard that two heads are better than one...but how does it fart?"
  • And who could forget the Master of Mischief himself, Morty Maxwell? (My brother and I are having a "relive childhood" moment--we're playing through Treasure Galaxy as it's the only Super Solvers game we can't remember finishing...) Viva The Learning Company!
  • The Rick-roll song...."Never Gonna Give You Up" as performed by On the Rocks.
  • Stuff like this angers me a little bit; people dismiss things they don't understand and don't bother to do the research necessary to prove anything! All my D&D campaigns have been with my Christian friends and we all have a blast! There is NOTHING WRONG with D&D--it's a tabletop strategy game with optional cosplay. To me…
  • You return to China after 7 years and for the first time can buy clothes in the country!
  • Not quite pushing 5' 10" -- current weight is just shy of 203. Goal weight: 170 (I'm letting the BMI dictate the goal weight, and once I see how I feel, I will either work to tone what's left, or lose more.)
  • Carmen Sandiego. I learned quite a bit from chasing her through time, across the country, and around the world. And though you may round up her henchmen, you'll never catch her.