VelvetKey Member


  • I do love that hammock. Also the beach chairs by the campfire. I've never seen a WiiU in action to know anything about it, and there aren't any compelling games like others have said. I watch a couple different "Let's Plays" on YouTube from PauseUnpause, and that's all the gaming interaction I need for that. Plus, I have…
  • I've never met anyone else (other than the friend that hooked me) that played Endless Ocean. I'm trying to finish it, too...but I often waste time paddling around in the Gatama Atoll to relax. Or Cicero's Strait to poke Thanatos in the nose and run away. In all seriousness, I keep my Wii for working out with Just Dance or…
  • I assume the PS3 version has the same drawback as the Xbox: you can't join a server with PC users. Hubby has a PS3, but wouldn't be able to play with me on my desktop.
  • I started it when it became FTP, then paid the $5 necessary to get "Preferred" status. I like the story-line so far (Sith Inquisitor) and have been drafted for a group already, and we're supposed to game together once a week in the new year. So I'm curious to see how it will be with a party, as I've enjoyed the…
    in SWToR Comment by VelvetKey January 2013
  • Being that a computer was the first system I ever had (of my very own) until I bought a Wii when I was in college...the selection of games available to me was limited by my parental units. That being said, I loved (and still use DOS Box to play): The Super Solver games by the Learning Company: - Treasure Mountain -…
  • My husband plays LoL; he's very good with a support character (the name Ari sticks in my mind, but the spelling may be wrong). He's Kampfer02 in most games he plays (as well as on MFP).
  • Wow. Tough subject to address... I work in the central FANS office of my school district. I have heard practically every side of this issue. I have ended up with angry parents on the phone, because their child receives free lunch but now it's all "slop". (I pass calls like this to our district chef.) The government has us…
  • I have one of the early FitBits (only tracks steps, miles, calories, and activity level, not stairs climbed, etc.) and I absolutely love it when I can remember to wear it. (I attach it to my bra, and I'd never know its there.) Since I do dance games (DDR, Just Dance) for my cardio, there isn't really an accurate measure on…
  • Well, you want geek... I LARP. And I love it. Every minute of latex-ear wearing, boffer-sword carrying, field-battling goodness is mine to cherish once a month. "I Don't Have to be Me 'Til Monday" was written for LARPers. And I exercise so that I can run farther, vault logs, dodge trees, and escape the Star King on demand.…
  • I don't think I've seen anybody else on the Arkenstone server, but that's where my guildies and I call home! We're busy farming Summer Festival Tokens; and the highest member of our guild is Lv. 35. (Yes, I am one of those people who has to have every special horse that doesn't come from the LotRO Store...) We're not quite…
    in LOTRO Comment by VelvetKey August 2012
  • Big LotRO fan. Also DDO, although with all the special events in LotRO, I'm afraid I'm neglecting it...a lot.
  • I credit DDR: Mario Mix with me moving from a size 22 to a size 16 (not quite sure how that translates into pounds; 260-210?). Until I packed up the game to give it back to it's owner, I played it almost every day anywhere from 30-60 minutes. I went from playing on Normal to now playing on Very Hard. Something that I added…
  • Just Dance 3 (Wii) - Obviously a dance game, played by holding the wii-mote in your right hand (for most songs). The game play is very straight-forward, even if (like me) you're coming from a history of dancing games with pads. The freedom that this type of game gives is amazing. The moves are pretty doable for about 75%…
  • There...I hope that works... So just sandwich the link between the image tags like this: [ img ] [ /img ] (After removing all the spaces in that line.) No problem! :happy:
  • I never saw myself being interested in exercising faithfully. For an hour. Every day. I also never thought I would measure my food the way my mother used to do...but you can bet I measure my milk and cereal every morning, as well as my fruits! And as a plus to all of this...I never saw myself wearing a strapless…
  • Yes, particularly since I got married...I felt I had not achieved the body I wanted my husband to see on our wedding night and am still dissatisfied (although he says I'm perfect the way I am). That did not help my self-consciousness one bit... Also, I am very unwilling to expend money on a new wardrobe that fits me right…
  • Okay, pictures of the actual day...
  • I have the FitBit classic, because they hadn't invented Premium yet, and it works just dandy. Then when they synced up their website with MFP everything got a lot easier (even if they're still working out some of the kinks!). MFP used to let us customize all of our signatures, until it got too much for the boards to…
  • I know this is not a "get outside" suggestion, but I know it has helped me with my stamina (to the point where I feel like I could actually attempt running for the first time ever in my life)... Leslie Sansone's videos/DVDs. I do the "5 Big Miles" DVD (portions of it, sometimes even with the resistance band) and I can tell…
  • I got a lot of my exercising in with Dance Dance Revolution (I used a GameCube game, compatible with older Wiis, on loan from a friend) when I first started out, and I credit it with all of my weight loss so far. Then one of my girlfriends came for a visit and told me about a game she was using for exercise on her Wii (she…
  • I just returned from my honeymoon this past Monday and just got back on the MFP site/boards...not because I'm not interested in finishing my weight loss journey... ...but because I thought my mother was going to kill me if I didn't maintain my size when she fitted my wedding dress! Yes, the blessed, holy saint that she is,…
  • I have a FitBit that logs my steps and my miles for me (as long as I remember to wear it...:grumble: ) So I sync it up at the end of my dance workouts and take the mileage off of my online log and add it to my ticker.
  • Babydoll mini sundress, essentially. ^_^
  • I bought the beta version for $16 when they were first testing it out (at a friend's insistence; I thought it looked stupid but I hate to be left out) and then when I saw all the crazy things they were building on the multi-player server I got really interested. One of my good friends and I (both being Power Rangers nuts)…
    in Minecraft Comment by VelvetKey July 2012
  • PC: LotRO, Minecraft, Plants vs. Zombies, Zuma, DDO, Portal Wii: Just Dance 3, Gladius, Lego: Star Wars, LoZ: Skyward Sword Many of these are in a frozen "in progress" state which means I haven't given up on them, but I don't have a lot of time to play. (Something about getting married and all that...) My go-to stress…
  • Hail and well met all fellow travellers! I'm Katie, sometimes called Key, and I've been on the road to Imladris since the last board. I'm a little over 95 miles in, but wasn't able to walk due to some health problems. Then I discovered a hobbit-ish pasttime that I could handle, and my FitBit will help me track my steps...…
  • I have a Logitech USB headset--I think it works great. Mind you, I don't wear the darn thing on my head; I wear it around my neck and just adjust the mic accordingly. I've even hung it up on the edge of my monitor and piped the sound out my speakers and just used it for the mic, because I need to hear what's going on…
  • I play DDO and LotRO -- both are free to download. Yes, you have to pay to unlock content. LotRO is very bad in this regard--I feel that it inhibits the gameplay experience every time the little Turbine coin pops up on my screen. You can't get the entire experience (such as certain maps) without spending points. I've heard…
  • LotRO -- it lets me destress after a day of wedding-planning stupidity.
  • Still play it with DOS Box! And I have the CD for Oregon Trail II at home, along with a pre-saved inventory list so I know what to buy for supplies when I set out...after lots of trial and error.