Geek Alert



  • zombiemomjo
    zombiemomjo Posts: 546 Member
    Zombie/horror movies count? I'm TOTALLY a Bruce Campbell geek. "Boomstick" was mentioned on Burn Notice the other day, and I was in geek heaven! Love Star Trek and MST3K was awesome!!! Miss that show. I also have Space Ghost Musical BBQ cd. I think I'm fully qualified as a geek. Oh, and my closet geekiness that I will deny ever having admitted to...Xena. Bruce Campbell was in it!! And the Raimi's! Don't judge me! :wink:

    Dr. Horrible is fantastic, and I can't wait to see Evil Dead the Musical.
  • NaurielR
    NaurielR Posts: 429 Member
    I completely fall into this category. I read Lord of the Rings at least once a year. My favorite shows are Doctor Who and Farscape. For fun I browse zoological scientific journals. My playlist for my upcoming half marathon has music from Xena: Warrior Princess, Doctor Who, Battlestar Galactica, Star Wars, Chronicles of Narnia, and Lord of the RIngs. I even have a tumblr.

    As for the difference between nerds and geeks, I agree that the word "nerd" tends to connote a high level of intelligence, or at least being dedicated to learning. Most often this happens in the field of science, but there's also the sub genre of "book nerds" who gain a lot of knowledge from reading.
  • VelvetKey
    VelvetKey Posts: 193 Member
    Well, you want geek... I LARP. And I love it. Every minute of latex-ear wearing, boffer-sword carrying, field-battling goodness is mine to cherish once a month.

    "I Don't Have to be Me 'Til Monday" was written for LARPers.

    And I exercise so that I can run farther, vault logs, dodge trees, and escape the Star King on demand. I use dance video games to accomplish my cardio (and a smattering of Leslie Sansone when I need a break to tone a little).

    Plus, if LARP doesn't qualify me, I just designed an 8-bit Legend of Zelda queen-sized blanket for my brother's Christmas present in Excel (it has 2,295 2" crocheted squares).

    Add to it my love of tabletop and online RPGs, video games, Firefly (among other shows, but that one is most worthy of mention)...

    I'll take my geek point on the rocks, while toasting to Alec Hardison's adage: "Geek power baby, stay strong."
  • monicalosesweight
    monicalosesweight Posts: 1,173 Member
    Zombie/horror movies count? I'm TOTALLY a Bruce Campbell geek. "Boomstick" was mentioned on Burn Notice the other day, and I was in geek heaven! Love Star Trek and MST3K was awesome!!! Miss that show. I also have Space Ghost Musical BBQ cd. I think I'm fully qualified as a geek. Oh, and my closet geekiness that I will deny ever having admitted to...Xena. Bruce Campbell was in it!! And the Raimi's! Don't judge me! :wink:

    Dr. Horrible is fantastic, and I can't wait to see Evil Dead the Musical.

    Love Dr. Horrible! I bought it in BluRay. That's how much of a geek I am. Grin. I even have the soundtrack and play it on my ipod. Oh, I love musicals....what can I say.

    Bruce Campbell is amazing! I love his cameo appearances in movies - like Spiderman. He's sorta like an anti-dark hero to most of us. It's the modern version of Don Quixote. LOL.

    You know your a geek when you own the entire series of Stargate, Babylon 5, Farscape, Firefly, Quantum Leap, and more....yep. I am addicted.
  • RahmaB823
    RahmaB823 Posts: 19 Member
    I can quote the Never Ending Story from beginning to end and cry every time and I beg my husband to play video games.:bigsmile:
  • monicalosesweight
    monicalosesweight Posts: 1,173 Member
    I think nerds are geeks who are also brainiacs, whereas a geek is of more or less average intelligence, but is fanatical about a certain subject such as comic books, sci-fi, etc..., and may or may not be a little more odd than the average person.

    Well, I got to thinking about whether there really was a difference between intellects (I disagreed with you about that part of the definition) so I looked it up. Here's the official definition.
    Geeks Definition Per Webster
    1: a carnival performer often billed as a wild man whose act usually includes biting the head off a live chicken or snake
    2: a person often of an intellectual bent who is disliked
    3: an enthusiast or expert especially in a technological field or activity <computer geek>

    I see myself as falling under category 3. I had no idea about number 1. I nearly choked on reading it. It was worth the laugh looking it up. I think number 2 lacks some details as most people are disliked because they are knowledgeable. It makes people feel a bit....well...uncomfortable.
    Nerd: : an unstylish, unattractive, or socially inept person; especially : one slavishly devoted to intellectual or academic pursuits <computer nerds>

    Um. I don't see myself as totally inept - maybe shy. As for being slavishly devoted to intellectual pursuits. Ok. I definitely, definitely am addicted to computers and love learning. So yep. I'm devoted to academics.

    I suspect Webster needs to update their definition - maybe get both a geek and nerd together to improve on it. I do wonder though - where did the chicken reference come from, a movie perhaps?
  • camelid2
    camelid2 Posts: 53 Member
    Next year we can have a MFP meetup at D*C. ;P
  • MMarvelous
    MMarvelous Posts: 1,067 Member
    From the definition above I am a NERD not Geek...I am ok with either...Big Bang Theory is an AWESOME show. I am an engineer so I really enjoy it LOL I even posted a question on Facebook to name shows with engineers and scientists. There were NOT many of them but a couple included The Jeffersons (Lionel Jefferson was an engineer...mechanical I think) and The Young & The Restless (Ashley Abbott is a chemist)

    SN - I do LOVE STAR TREK! Seven of Nine was my fav character LOL Jordy would be a close 2nd.
  • LordBezoar
    LordBezoar Posts: 625 Member
    Game designer, computer geek, But just now getting into fitness. Anyone who wishes to may add me, I love having geeky people in my FL.
  • KiltFuPanda
    KiltFuPanda Posts: 574 Member
    Geek? Oh hell yes.

    - Used to watch the original Star Wars trilogy back-to-back when it came on TV.
    - Had not one, but two graphing calculators, and programmed my own video games into each one for when I was bored.
    - Have spent more on sci-fi and geek stuff than I did on my first car (and that was a brand new car!)
    - MST3K? Yep - I once considered using Big McLargeHuge as a forum name.
    - Have copies of The Black Hole, 2001, and about a dozen Godzilla movies just waiting for the next generation to get a little older (he's already getting started himself with a plush Dalek and enough rocketships to launch half his Legos into orbit!)
    -My library's got Lovecraft, Wells, Asimov, Clarke, Harry Harrison, Douglas Adams, Tolkien, and Terry Pratchett stuffed onto the shelves.

    All this, and I wear a kilt and love the sound of bagpipes.

    I think I've earned a geek card.
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    I think nerds are geeks who are also brainiacs, whereas a geek is of more or less average intelligence, but is fanatical about a certain subject such as comic books, sci-fi, etc..., and may or may not be a little more odd than the average person.

    Well, I got to thinking about whether there really was a difference between intellects (I disagreed with you about that part of the definition) so I looked it up. Here's the official definition.
    Geeks Definition Per Webster
    1: a carnival performer often billed as a wild man whose act usually includes biting the head off a live chicken or snake
    2: a person often of an intellectual bent who is disliked
    3: an enthusiast or expert especially in a technological field or activity <computer geek>

    I see myself as falling under category 3. I had no idea about number 1. I nearly choked on reading it. It was worth the laugh looking it up. I think number 2 lacks some details as most people are disliked because they are knowledgeable. It makes people feel a bit....well...uncomfortable.
    Nerd: : an unstylish, unattractive, or socially inept person; especially : one slavishly devoted to intellectual or academic pursuits <computer nerds>

    Um. I don't see myself as totally inept - maybe shy. As for being slavishly devoted to intellectual pursuits. Ok. I definitely, definitely am addicted to computers and love learning. So yep. I'm devoted to academics.

    I suspect Webster needs to update their definition - maybe get both a geek and nerd together to improve on it. I do wonder though - where did the chicken reference come from, a movie perhaps?

    That's it...

    I am a GNEEK!

    Cmon everyone... GNEEKS unite!

    or is GNERK better?
  • Skeels
    Skeels Posts: 929 Member
    Love my Star Wars!!!!! LOTRS.......Pretty much everything Geeky
  • MsDandimite
    MsDandimite Posts: 52 Member
    BOOM goes the dynamite!

    I'm 50% - sports, nite-clubs, cars, and clothing. I'm horribly vain at times.

    This is why it's so tough for me to deal with he fact I'm a complete GEEK!

    50% - Dr. Who (since the 80's!), BBC in general, NPR!!, Star Wars, Star Trek Next Gen, Fire Fly, Red Dwarf, X-Files,Fringe,Falling Skies, Continuum, Once Upon A Time, all kinds of games, sci-fi, fantasy, anime (watched around 20-30 series in full), cartoons like Family Guy, South Park, Avatar The last Airbender, Legend of Korra , Adult Swim, science/politics/history (NO MATH, although it does amaze and confound me!), reading Tolkien, Douglas Adams, Orwell, Collins, Lowbrow Art, classical music, electronica, collecting stuff from garage sales and thrift stores and acting generally goofy.........

    The list could go on, but even I don't want to admit to the nerdness (word?) of it publicly!

    I try and discuss my likes with my friends, but they all get weird when I do. I don't get it! It's just stuff that a ton of us digg! (Just thought of Digg-Dugg there. lol.) Uppp..also just remembered how much I like text-based maze games on my old Commodore64!

    Oh well, hopefully I'll run into a beautiful nerd princess one day and she will have a bunch of "cool" friends!

    Red Dwarf is awesomeness. :3
  • snowdrop_diva
    snowdrop_diva Posts: 142 Member
    Zombie/horror movies count? I'm TOTALLY a Bruce Campbell geek. "Boomstick" was mentioned on Burn Notice the other day, and I was in geek heaven! Love Star Trek and MST3K was awesome!!! Miss that show. I also have Space Ghost Musical BBQ cd. I think I'm fully qualified as a geek. Oh, and my closet geekiness that I will deny ever having admitted to...Xena. Bruce Campbell was in it!! And the Raimi's! Don't judge me! :wink:

    Dr. Horrible is fantastic, and I can't wait to see Evil Dead the Musical.
    Dr. Horrible is Awesome! I can't wait to see the next one!
    I've watched the Evil Dead the Musical on Youtube *lol*
  • snowdrop_diva
    snowdrop_diva Posts: 142 Member
    Got My Geek On.
    I read Terry Pratchett, F. Paul Wilson and Simon R. Green often.
    I'm Addicted to Doctor Who (old and new, thank you very much. Tom Baker was an Awesome Doctor)!
    I've re-Watched Dr. Horrible more times than I care to admit just now.

    Red Dwarf, Black Adder, Star Trek, IT Crowd, Quantum Leap .. I have a soft spot in my heart for those and a whack of other shows.

    For my birthday my husband got me a talking Red plush DALEK *hahaha*
  • SlickDaddyCool
    SlickDaddyCool Posts: 161 Member
    Got My Geek On.
    I read Terry Pratchett, F. Paul Wilson and Simon R. Green often.
    I'm Addicted to Doctor Who (old and new, thank you very much. Tom Baker was an Awesome Doctor)!
    I've re-Watched Dr. Horrible more times than I care to admit just now.

    Red Dwarf, Black Adder, Star Trek, IT Crowd, Quantum Leap .. I have a soft spot in my heart for those and a whack of other shows.

    For my birthday my husband got me a talking Red plush DALEK *hahaha*

    The Black Adder! I knew I was forgetting to watch something, thanks!
  • SlickDaddyCool
    SlickDaddyCool Posts: 161 Member
    BOOM goes the dynamite!

    I'm 50% - sports, nite-clubs, cars, and clothing. I'm horribly vain at times.

    This is why it's so tough for me to deal with he fact I'm a complete GEEK!

    50% - Dr. Who (since the 80's!), BBC in general, NPR!!, Star Wars, Star Trek Next Gen, Fire Fly, Red Dwarf, X-Files,Fringe,Falling Skies, Continuum, Once Upon A Time, all kinds of games, sci-fi, fantasy, anime (watched around 20-30 series in full), cartoons like Family Guy, South Park, Avatar The last Airbender, Legend of Korra , Adult Swim, science/politics/history (NO MATH, although it does amaze and confound me!), reading Tolkien, Douglas Adams, Orwell, Collins, Lowbrow Art, classical music, electronica, collecting stuff from garage sales and thrift stores and acting generally goofy.........

    The list could go on, but even I don't want to admit to the nerdness (word?) of it publicly!

    I try and discuss my likes with my friends, but they all get weird when I do. I don't get it! It's just stuff that a ton of us digg! (Just thought of Digg-Dugg there. lol.) Uppp..also just remembered how much I like text-based maze games on my old Commodore64!

    Oh well, hopefully I'll run into a beautiful nerd princess one day and she will have a bunch of "cool" friends!

    Red Dwarf is awesomeness. :3

    All new episodes of Red Dwarf to air soon! Check it out >>>
  • snowdrop_diva
    snowdrop_diva Posts: 142 Member
    Got My Geek On.
    I read Terry Pratchett, F. Paul Wilson and Simon R. Green often.
    I'm Addicted to Doctor Who (old and new, thank you very much. Tom Baker was an Awesome Doctor)!
    I've re-Watched Dr. Horrible more times than I care to admit just now.

    Red Dwarf, Black Adder, Star Trek, IT Crowd, Quantum Leap .. I have a soft spot in my heart for those and a whack of other shows.

    For my birthday my husband got me a talking Red plush DALEK *hahaha*

    The Black Adder! I knew I was forgetting to watch something, thanks!
    You are very welcome :smile:
  • DeeDel32
    DeeDel32 Posts: 542 Member

    gadget, internet and sci fi is my brand of geek :)