Geek Alert



  • silvergurl518
    silvergurl518 Posts: 4,123 Member
  • emtjmac
    emtjmac Posts: 1,320 Member
    A lot of people will think they fit into this category because the idea seems quaint to them, but they don't really fit into this category.
  • springb513
    springb513 Posts: 41 Member
    I am rewatching every episode of Star Trek TNG - I just started season 6. Yup - total geek!
  • frando
    frando Posts: 583 Member
    never understood the difference between nerd and geek but yes I think I'm a geek :)

    I think nerds are geeks who are also brainiacs, whereas a geek is of more or less average intelligence, but is fanatical about a certain subject such as comic books, sci-fi, etc..., and may or may not be a little more odd than the average person.

    From my idea of nerd was an unsocail geek, one that intentionally hushed away from groups of people. A geek is someone who is simple passionate about something to the point were they may get shunned by other people for being a bit overzealous. We tend to herd together!
  • HeinzPrincess
    Whedon-ite, Harry Potter lover (books, not so much the later movies!), Hunger Games fan...yeah. Geek-licious!

    But not Twilight. Nooooo to Twilight. I don't think that counts as geek, though, right? I hope not...
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    I guess in the traditional sense you could call me a geek. I am a systems engineer, application development etc. I rocked a 486 back in the day. I love almost anything that thinkgeek sells, love FPS, and any given day I can be found in front of the tv watching old reruns of, firefly, torchwood, primeval, dr who, and so on.

    On the other hand, I am a former Military Police officer, I do crossfit 4-5 days a week, have a 265 bench, hold a 3rd brown belt in Kenpo, I love to mountain bike, 4-wheel and I can be somehwat popular with the ladies, the wife says I am a flirt, so a lot of things opposite of the traditional geek...

    Whatever... new age geek..... hybrid geek... DEf a crossfit geek... and a scifi nerd

    Hahaha! Wow! You've got all your bases covered, dontcha? :drinker:
  • ThorneDust
    ThorneDust Posts: 189 Member
    Me me me!
  • wavdawg4
    wavdawg4 Posts: 139 Member
    OK, except most people these days like Star Wars, games, comic books etc. I think we have gotten soft on what we define as geek. It used to be "geek" is mainstream.

    We need to raise the Geek bar because so far everyone sounds pretty normal to me.

    ...This is very true..
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    never understood the difference between nerd and geek but yes I think I'm a geek :)

    I think nerds are geeks who are also brainiacs, whereas a geek is of more or less average intelligence, but is fanatical about a certain subject such as comic books, sci-fi, etc..., and may or may not be a little more odd than the average person.

    From my idea of nerd was an unsocail geek, one that intentionally hushed away from groups of people. A geek is someone who is simple passionate about something to the point were they may get shunned by other people for being a bit overzealous. We tend to herd together!

    I revised my definition a little. A simpler way of putting it would be:

    Nerds=Big Bang Theory
    Geeks=Fanboys or Napoleon Dynamite

    Obviously, some people are more extreme than others in both categories.
  • greenbox06
    greenbox06 Posts: 101 Member
    Hell yeah had a co-worker say to me the other day. "you don't strike me as a sports person" I have had it said to me the other way around too where they say "Wow I didn't know you were such a geek" I have been into Sci-Fi and computers for as long as I can remember. Hell my profession is a software engineer. I also love smart phones real ones not APPLE :laugh: I guess I am all over because I love racing, outdoors, hunting, wheeling, history, anything tech, movies, football, and guns too. I found over the years a lot of people are more generalized and I always thought I was the anomaly.

    I guess I just love life and want to experience everything it has to offer
  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
    <<< Geek reporting for duty. I do research for a living and spend lots of my time in a lab performing analytical trials.
  • jdressel
    jdressel Posts: 70 Member
    Effed up the quote, but to the poster who wrote:


    Hehehehe. Well said.
  • greenbox06
    greenbox06 Posts: 101 Member
    never understood the difference between nerd and geek but yes I think I'm a geek :)

    I think nerds are geeks who are also brainiacs, whereas a geek is of more or less average intelligence, but is fanatical about a certain subject such as comic books, sci-fi, etc..., and may or may not be a little more odd than the average person.

    From my idea of nerd was an unsocail geek, one that intentionally hushed away from groups of people. A geek is someone who is simple passionate about something to the point were they may get shunned by other people for being a bit overzealous. We tend to herd together!

    I revised my definition a little. A simpler way of putting it would be:

    Nerds=Big Bang Theory
    Geeks=Fanboys or Napoleon Dynamite

    Obviously, some people are more extreme than others in both categories.

    I guess I am a nerd because I really like the show Big Bang Theory. That and I like to think of myself as a pretty smart person I know I have my faults and I am oblivious to other subjects but generally smart. My wife calls me conceited but I like to look at it as confident. :smile:
  • SlickDaddyCool
    SlickDaddyCool Posts: 161 Member
    BOOM goes the dynamite!

    I'm 50% - sports, nite-clubs, cars, and clothing. I'm horribly vain at times.

    This is why it's so tough for me to deal with he fact I'm a complete GEEK!

    50% - Dr. Who (since the 80's!), BBC in general, NPR!!, Star Wars, Star Trek Next Gen, Fire Fly, Red Dwarf, X-Files,Fringe,Falling Skies, Continuum, Once Upon A Time, all kinds of games, sci-fi, fantasy, anime (watched around 20-30 series in full), cartoons like Family Guy, South Park, Avatar The last Airbender, Legend of Korra , Adult Swim, science/politics/history (NO MATH, although it does amaze and confound me!), reading Tolkien, Douglas Adams, Orwell, Collins, Lowbrow Art, classical music, electronica, collecting stuff from garage sales and thrift stores and acting generally goofy.........

    The list could go on, but even I don't want to admit to the nerdness (word?) of it publicly!

    I try and discuss my likes with my friends, but they all get weird when I do. I don't get it! It's just stuff that a ton of us digg! (Just thought of Digg-Dugg there. lol.) Uppp..also just remembered how much I like text-based maze games on my old Commodore64!

    Oh well, hopefully I'll run into a beautiful nerd princess one day and she will have a bunch of "cool" friends!
  • Moofey2
    Moofey2 Posts: 327 Member
    My favorite genre of movie? Scifi, I love all video games (including the first ones) I am the proud owner of skyrim and love to watch all sorts of anime. Haha I also love cars... I don't think thats nerdy but hey its cool!
  • Moofey2
    Moofey2 Posts: 327 Member
    Oh I also enjoy star trek and star wars!
  • Zylahe
    Zylahe Posts: 772 Member
    And mee:love:

    Have spreadsheets for how to get 60 mins of plnks in the month and for my uns.

    Also does anyone ranomly here tetris music when filling the freezer?
    And pacman hen ock climbing? ( though its not technially a sport, its a 3D maze)

    Also for fitness geeks, check out fitocracy ( you get to level up)
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    And mee:love:

    Have spreadsheets for how to get 60 mins of plnks in the month and for my uns.

    Also does anyone ranomly here tetris music when filling the freezer?
    And pacman hen ock climbing? ( though its not technially a sport, its a 3D maze)

    Also for fitness geeks, check out fitocracy ( you get to level up)

    Oh lord... no... don't get me hooked on a new site! lol

    My running plan is on excel.
    I created a massive excel spreadsheet with filtered lists, calculated scoring, and stats/charts/pivot tables for my survivor pool at work (way back in the day). (was a hit too!)
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    Can't forget Game of Thrones either...

    When does season 3 start again? Oh right NOT SOON ENOUGH!
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    never understood the difference between nerd and geek but yes I think I'm a geek :)

    I think nerds are geeks who are also brainiacs, whereas a geek is of more or less average intelligence, but is fanatical about a certain subject such as comic books, sci-fi, etc..., and may or may not be a little more odd than the average person.

    From my idea of nerd was an unsocail geek, one that intentionally hushed away from groups of people. A geek is someone who is simple passionate about something to the point were they may get shunned by other people for being a bit overzealous. We tend to herd together!

    I revised my definition a little. A simpler way of putting it would be:

    Nerds=Big Bang Theory
    Geeks=Fanboys or Napoleon Dynamite

    Obviously, some people are more extreme than others in both categories.

    I guess I am a nerd because I really like the show Big Bang Theory. That and I like to think of myself as a pretty smart person I know I have my faults and I am oblivious to other subjects but generally smart. My wife calls me conceited but I like to look at it as confident. :smile:

    Okay, I thought it was a simpler way of putting it. What I meant was, nerds are people like the characters on The Big Bang Theory (super geniuses who are fanatical about comic books, Star Wars, Star Trek, etc... and who may or may not be a little odd). Geeks are people like the characters in Fanboys (average intelligence who are fanatical about comic books, Star Wars, Star Trek, etc... and are slightly odd) or Napoleon Dynamite (below average intelligence who are fanatical about comic books, etc... and are EXTREMELY odd). It must be understood that this is merely my personal view on the subject, not an official definition of either nerd or geek.