

  • Nothing is more accurate than a scale. Measuring cups rely on volume which can differ greatly based on humidity, the size things are cut in, whether the item is packed into the cup, etc. Weight is weight is weight. I can't remember the brand of mine, but it was about $40, easily switches from gram to ounce, and weighs up…
  • Any liquor + soda water and a lime/lemon. I usually drink vodka/soda and lime. It's low calories with the best bang for your buck for a buzz. Anything flavored is going to be super high calorie and light beer has such a low alcohol content that you usually end up drinking twice as many beers to get the same effect which…
  • I do arms/shoulders/upper back on Monday and Thursday and legs/core on Tuesday and Friday. With that schedule I have plenty of time in between for my muscles to regenerate and I've had better results. Good luck :)