LH2011 Member


  • I have a major sweet tooth to and I leave myself with about 200 calories everyday to have something nice with a cup of tea in the evening. If I don't do this I end up going on a chocolate binge once every few weeks so this treat a day works for me???
  • I get kids of to school and the exercise and then relax over breakfast and the paper, if I was to have breakfast before it would be very rushed
  • I'm also 5'8 my starting weight was 155 and I aimed for 140lbs, once I got there after about 7 months I decided to lose a bit more to give me "wiggle room" my weight is now between 130 and 133lb which I am very happy with.
  • Hell no, I'm just going to enjoy, enjoy, enjoy and any damage done can be fixed in 2012 :laugh:
  • Thanks guy just bought a Polar FT7 on ebay hope he likes it
  • Well done you I am a great eater all day but once 7pm hits I'm just terrible I have been know to just eat my why through the kitchen in the evening so I feel your pain. That's a great step well done again :smile:
  • Thanks this is really helpful balance and control to stop, I guess these are my new goals!!! Thanks guys
  • You are so brave for your honesty and I could have written this word for word. I wish I could find a balance I am either very bad like you said and it all starts with a sugar carving and then I am major good the following week. I have lost 27lbs and I am maintaining for about 3 months and have not put any weight back on…
  • In your food diary under enter "Hard Boiled - Egg" and it will come up its 70 calories and the "Bread White - Toasted" and its 79 calories and it will come up
  • Goats Cheese even just the small and marmite yuck
  • Bump!! - No advise I'm sorry but a bit like you really good during the day but find nights really hard so interested to see what people say
  • I have only ever made it once with mincemeat 800g, breadcrumbs about a cup full, 1 carrot and 1 onion and 1 egg and the tomato sauce topping it tasted great but feel apart anyone know what I did wrong?? Thanks
  • Yes managed to eat nearly a whole tub of pringles the other night and it got me thinking :embarassed: but I don't want to use this as an excuse as I really don't need much of an excuse :laugh:
  • I'm an evening snacker always have been always will be and I don't intend to change :laugh: its the one time when kids are in bed I can acutally sit and have something to eat and enjoy it totally un-interupted . I just save calories during the day I alway have my treat a bar or some biscuits and then fruit or a yoghurt.
  • I eat right up til I go to bed as I'm a evening snacker, always have been and always will be :laugh:. I've lost 26lbs and have been maintaining for 2 months so I would say no it does not affect me :smile:
  • During the week I walk first thing in the morning after I drop the kids to school at the weekend I get out when I can. But I much prefer first things I really enjoy walking then and it sets me up for the day.
  • I forgot about chinese that's a real vise too yummmmmmy
  • Speaking from experience I have been maintaining about 2 months and in that time I have had about 3 Saturday that instead of my 1810 calories per day I was up around 3000!!! It made no difference when I weighted in the following week I just drank loads of water the next few days and keep the calories around 1500-1700.…
  • This sounds good will be getting some on my next shop for sure thanks
  • Oh my god girl you need more food and water!!!! Never skip meal and reach you 1200 per day. You will lose weight doing what you are doing but you won't be able to eat like this forever and once you go back to normal you will put on all the weight and maybe more. Look at MFP not as a diet but as a why of changing your bad…
  • I think this sounds about right and I think maybe I am just drinking to much in one go will try little and often, doubt it is diabetes as trips to the loo are only a problem when I am drinking the water but will mention to my GP on next check up thanks guys
  • Great job and lovely NSV :flowerforyou:
  • Firstly 10lbs is a great loss well done and I found for me once I had lost some weight it was easier to justify and give in to my cravings as I had done well lossing what I had, of course there is noooo logic in this :laugh:, but your brain can do funny things when it comes you justify that piece of chocolate of chinese…
  • Sorry no advise just to say this is me all over struggle to reach daily allowance during the week and go way over the top at weekend of whenever I'm tempted by sweet stuff etc. I now know that while lossing weight was hard this is just as hard. But amazing on reaching your goal and hang in there!!
  • Sorry fasting seriously??? Is that even healthy for weight loss or any other reason there are people starving the world over why would anyone choice not to eat sorry for the rant I just don't get it (I do however sort of understand for spiritual or religous reasons but still think its mad)
  • Zombieland for me too so funny with all the classic gore you can't beat it
  • bump - if such a thing exsists I want to know!!!
  • Snails done in garlic butter had them in France
  • Thanks guys what would I do without to keep me sane!!!! I really like the above thinking that my habits have changed as yes before I would not have been beating myself up so much about such a big binge. So moving on I'm just back from a really long walk and looking forward to a better day. :flowerforyou:
  • I don't understand what does this mean???