

  • Got it! My food diary should now be unlocked. I didn't even notice the settings tab up there.
  • Thanks for the replies! On average I'm under my calories by 300+ but that's including the exercise calories. I haven't been eating those because I only have time to exercise at night and don't want to be eating after 10. How do I open my diary? I have no problem doing it, just don't know how. lol
  • Absolutely amazing transformation! You are such an inspiration, thank you so much for sharing!
  • I'd like to join too, please! I'm in the same boat as a previous poster, I tend to need a drink to destress (life, job, kids, marriage, etc) and don't really want to give that up. I started a week ago tomorrow and what I've done on the couple of nights I've had beverages is I limited my calories from food and upped my…