ninajackson1 Member


  • Hi my name Selena. And I am turning 43 in June. I am a mother of 4 and wife, who works full time in sales. While, I have been working hard over the last year to live a healthier lifestyle ; I have hit a plateau. This challenge will help me stay motivated and hopefully help me move closer to my goal.
  • Try making a protein shake with fruit and ice. Will add good calories while giving your muscles more protein.
  • I feel your frustration! I have been going to Fitness Boot Camp... 3 days a week - feeling like I am "basic training" . I had a weigh in after 3 weeks and did not lose a single pound! I did lose a few inches but no weight. I am still screaming... Everyone keeps telling me... to keep going... keep going.. you'll see the…
  • Hi Michelle .. I am looking to lose the same amount of weight. - we can help support one another! I need help too,