
  • I also have a weave and i have to wash my hair a lot, so since I started to work out I had to change my hairstyle. like for example i could not wear the fancy lol hair that I use to, I started to buy really cute pony tails, or a lace front weave with the combs that way I didnt have to worry about regluing the hair down and…
  • I just working out and lost 9lbs in the first 12days. :tongue: I would check the scale every time I went to the gym, which as almost every other day. I have been into my work out retuine for about 3weeks now. I havent lost any more weight since day 12 :sad: . I had to stop weighing my self like that because it was…
  • Hello my name is Alicia, I started working out on 5/7/11 and have gone at least 14 times for a min 1hr. MY start weight was 389lbs, and now I am at 380. I am really proud of my self. MY target weight goal is 211lbs by December 2011. :bigsmile: