

  • We all overeat from time to time—taking an extra helping at Thanksgiving dinner or having dessert when you're already full. But for binge eaters, overeating is regular and uncontrollable. You use food to cope with stress and other negative emotions, even though afterwards you feel even worse. You may feel like you're stuck…
  • If you are serious about wanting to lose those extra pounds, then get a good scale and start using MyFitnessPal. It isn't a miracle cure. It is a reality check which makes you realize how many calories you are putting in your mouth compared to how many calories you are burning. I started using MyFitnessPal in Sept. 2011…
  • well first good luck following you dreams and second there is the step you should folow well my own oppinion: -eat healty breakfast when i said eat breakfast you must eat it it is so important ,it does help to lose wieght -drink water -do not eat wieght bread it is the worst thing to put wieight . and pasta .. -sport…
  • graciiekim it is a wrong idea to miss breakfast ,breakfast it is the most important meal in the day and bielive it or no you need breakfast to lose wieght . just try to eat a healty breakfast and rich of vitamins and mineral egg ...
  • welcome
  • if you having a list of forbidden foods can lead to binge eating, say experts. Solution: Allow all foods but eat just small amounts of treats. annd watch yoou calorie antake it is the key of putting wieght
  • hello i m a new memeber here i m norhavic and use to have a problem with my wieght and i did folow some step and nw i m in good shape with hard working . nw my wieght is 78klg i use to be 90klg the gold advice that i will give to you is always your calorie keep aye on them .