I'll log it like that. Thank you! :smile:
Hi everyone! I am planning on starting the Canadian Air Force XBX excersize routine. I would like to log it in my excersize journal, but I have no idea how many calories it burns, and it doesn't come up when I search it. The first two individual excersizes of it that I searched also did not come up. Does anyone know how…
I have NOTHING done yet. Like, at all. Lol. XD But Harley ROCKS! I'd love to see your pics! :D
Haha, IKR? But they only have it on the timeline thingys. *hits like anyways* :P
Thanks! You can do it, too! I believe in you!! :D
Hi! Harley's always a blast! XP <3 I want to cosplay Dizzy from Guilty Gear. Also Alexiel from Angel Sanctuary and Emma's Phoenix Five outfit from Avengers Vs. X-Men. :D
My sis and I have an excellent picture with John Barrowman and Garreth (the guy who plays Ianto; I think that's his name)! I've seen some cool looking Spike Spiegel's over the years. Have fun! :D
Thank you so much! That's very inspirational. :) I've done cosplays a bunch before, but I'm just really feeling the urge to look awesome in them. Well, more awesome than usual, anyways. *hair flip* XD
I would love to go as Dizzy from Guilty Gear next year! XD I also want to do Alexiel from Angel Sanctuary and Emma's Phoenix Five outfit from Avengers Vs. X-Men. :) That corset sounds awesome! :D
Okay, I think I've sent friends requests to everyone on here! If I missed you and you want to add me, just send me a short message that you found me on the nerdy topic with your friend request! :) Because I didn't list them earlier, here are my main geeky lifestyle choices... For genres, I love sci-fi, fantasy, some horror…
I am a huge nerd! I'd love to talk to other geeky people on this site, too! 8D
I an 100% on board with body positivity and accepting yourself for who you are!! :D However, that being said, it is a great decision to decide to try and start getting healthy. The fact that other people don't understand about things like medical concerns and your own personal wishes does not mean you should stop what…
Does anybody like their job?
Not it!