

  • After losing about 100 lbs over a 2 year period, I recently changed jobs. At first the stress and crazy new busy schedule got to me and I gained some weight back. Now, after being at the job for more than 6 months I've changed up my exercise schedule and that seems to be slowly working for me. I go to my local Y at 5:15 or…
  • I think you are taking the wrong approach to eating. Don't restrict yourself from the kinds of foods you like, just measure the portions and count the calories with MFP. You can't think of eating in terms of dieting/binging if you really want to be successful long term. I've lost 93 pounds over the last 19 months and the…
  • My doctor recently asked me, 'why do you overeat, or eat unplanned items/meals'? He is a weight loss specialist and told me to think about this before my next appointment with him in a month. So, although I haven't really binged, I do still sometimes eat unplanned items or portions that are larger than I should be eating.…
  • Congratulations on making such a change! Your photos provide a lot inspiration for others. Thank you for sharing.