

  • My favorite is the Lean Cuisine BBQ chicken pizza. Its is soooooo Good! But I try to eat it once a week only & not close to the day I weigh in(Wed)cuz of all the sodium. And when I do I drink tons of water afterwards!! I try to eat something fresh with it like some apples or grapes or sometimes a veggie like asparagus or a…
  • Well sure! That's what we're all here for. Friends & encouragement:)
  • I eat my fruit with greek yogurt & granola & some bran...super yummy...on the new weight watchers points plus program you can eat all the fruit you want which is interesting cuz before you couldn't....I also eat my fruit as a side with my sandwich or salad at lunch instead of crackers or chips etc, fills you up faster too…
  • I have to agree, I enjoy their Fit & Active products! The ice cream sandwiches are just as good as Skinny Cow!!!
  • Yes I think having to weigh in in front of someone else really has helped me cuz you just don't wanna look bad right? yeah its not cheap, but so worth it for me! I've had much success on it in the past & hopefully in the future as well!
  • Great job!! You look fabulous!!
  • Hi! I'm Karen! I just joined too! I hope some of you will add me!! So important to have buddies when you're trying to lose weight!!