hayleymc3 Member


  • All good advice! If I could add one thing (coming from someone who lost 93 pounds and gained most back). Lose weight for the right reasons! By that I mean, lose weight to become healthier, have better self-esteem, etc. These are the motivating factors that lead to long term success (and exactly why I gained some of my…
  • Ice-cream is my weakness! I literally can't have any in the house or it's gone overnight. I'm learning to cope with weekly fro-yo stops, though. :wink:
  • You can add me if you wanna! :) I post motivational quotes all the time. :laugh:
  • That sounds too awesome to pass up! I wanna join for sure. :happy:
  • I'm sure you're full by now, but I'm interested in joining if there's room. :)
  • Quoting this advice because it's so accurate. I just now achieved that mentality - "Yes, I messed up. But I'm not gonna make the same mistake twice." I might actually save this for reading on a bad day.
  • Best thing I can tell you is, don't be so hard on yourself. I went from 304 to 213, lowest weight I've ever been at. (Morbidly obese my whole life). Then I went back up to 290.8 (Where I'm at right now). I spent a lot of time hating myself, binging, and torturing my mind by constantly attacking myself with insults. I…
  • Certainly. I was morbidly obese all throughout high-school (and unfortunately still am!), so random staring became quite the norm for me. My mannerisms and the way I say things can be strange at times, too. It used to make me very nervous, but I think I'm learning to handle things better with age. It's not necessarily a…
  • I'll join if you have spots left :)
  • SW: 304 CW: 282 GW: 275 Weigh In - 6/15 - 6/22 - 6/29 -
  • Age: 22 CW: 282.0 GW: 150 Height: 5'7.5"
  • 35 for me. :(
  • First of all, please ignore the rude commentors who stepped in merely to make themselves feel cool. It's quite the common thing around the message boards. Secondly, if counting calories arises ED tendencies in you, I strongly suggest to stop counting calories. I don't count mine either, because doing so can cause…
  • I've never had a huge issue with cramping, so it doesn't effect me too much. I will say that certain kinds of tea help me with stomach pain... I believe peppermint and chamomile are both good. I also drink lots of water. If I'm really craving something sweet (which, for me, is more of an every day of the month thing) I get…
  • I am still really struggling with this, because I also used food as a reward in the past. I have found that giving myself a manicure has become a habitual celebration of me becoming healthier. Sounds silly, but it gives me the incentive to actually be patient and paint my nails, which I've grown to love. I also reward…
  • It's always difficult when you feel like you're losing a person who changed your life in some way. I'm sure he will keep in touch with you, though. Instead of feeling sad about losing him, be thankful that you were blessed with his help and friendship. He gave you the tools necessary to keep control of your life, and that…
  • Please don't let that slow you down. I lost 92 pounds after high-school and gained over 70 back. (I'm 22 now). I felt like I had literally ruined my life for about a year. In reality, letting the numbers overtake you is dangerous for your mental health. Instead of focusing on how much the bad things suck, focus on making…
  • I should actually introduce myself a little bit, because I don't think I've said much on the forums. I'm 22 and have over 100 pounds to lose. I don't have a GW yet, so no specific number really. I've only tried to lose weight once before, and I did very well. I started at 305 and lost 92 pounds. :) I got down to 213, raced…
  • My Tuesday goal for this week is to work out every day, for at least 30 minutes. I've been mostly walking, so I'm challenging myself to break out my old workout DVDs. :)
  • SW: Around 305 CW: 281.8 GW For the month of May: 274.0 UGW: Not sure yet! 167 is the max normal weight for my height, but since I've never been a low weight, not sure what would be maintainable. Check-in: May 5th: May 12th: May 19th: May 26th: This is my first monthly challenge thing on here, so I'm excited. :)
  • It amazes me how people who have never been obese view people who are. Astounding, really.
  • For me, Easter is all about church, family, and watching the kids hunt for eggs and enjoy their chocolate. I'll enjoy my Easter meal, but no chocolate for me this year. For some people moderation works, but for me rarity is better when it comes to chocolate and candy!
  • Let's see, I've never: - been under 213 (as an adult or teenager). - I've never gone zip-lining, which is something I've always dreamed of doing. - I've never been able to run an entire lap around the track I walk at. - I've never worn shorts above the knee (not since I was a kid, anyway). - I've never felt comfortable…
  • Thank you! I'm actually heavily involved in church. My uncle is my pastor, so many of my family members attend my church. I need to seek God more in these difficult times, because faith has always been so important to me. I know that without God I would've let life drag me down so many times before. I've also been focusing…
  • I have that same problem, only I compare everything. Weight, body, face, hair, job... it's so ridiculous that I become really angry with myself. But I am totally focused on what you mentioned - just telling myself that one day I will. I try to positively reinforce myself by focusing on what the future could hold in store.…
  • I was diagnosed with clinical depression and a generalized anxiety disorder when I was 16, and I had to take medication until I was around 18/19. So I have a strong aversion to anti-depressants or any type of mood altering medication. Makes me nervous just thinking about it, actually.
  • Definitely up! I'm actually ready to get my locks chopped off, just can't commit!
  • People who judge me or make comments about me gaining weight back. I was morbidly obese my whole life, lost 95 pounds, then gained 70 back. So people feel like they can comment on that, which I find really annoying. I never made a big deal about my weight loss to people and never really invited random people into my…
  • I would say that support, for me, is having people to talk to when I'm having a difficult time during this journey. I have a lot of weight to lose, and a history of not succeeding. Knowing that this comes from myself is one thing, but understanding how to change is another. I have friends on MFP that I'm able to talk to -…