

  • Yay, 6.8 lbs down.... Sw 167 Cw 160.2 Haven't set a goal weight yet...will see how it goes
  • Hey everyone, weight myself and yay...down 2.8 lbs!!!! Let's keep going!
  • I got app 20 lbs to go.....grrmmmmphf... Let's get it done
  • Wow.... It is great to see that there are so many people out there with the same mind set and goal. A good support system is the best first step to success. I am just planning my meals for today and am setting lil mini goals for throughout the day (no treats in the office, bring snacks and lunch, be positive and don't get…
  • Can I join you ladies? I have lost 35 lbs last year, got injured and was of my work out routine and packed on 15 lbs. I really have to get back on track.... Weekly weigh ins sound great.
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