

  • I walk 4-5 days a week, 3 miles at a time. I always intend to walk every day, but something usually comes up with work or life. I do better if I walk first thing in the morning. If I say I'll wait until evening, chances are I won't go.
  • Wine has a lot of sugar in it. I had a diet doctor tell me that if I was going to drink, it's best to drink a shot of hard liquor because of the way it metabolizes. Best bet is rum and diet coke. That can work for me; however, if I drink more than one then my defenses about food go way down and I just want to eat.
  • I aim for three miles in 45 minutes. I have Map My Walk app on my phone and that seems to keep me moving.
  • Hi, Walking is the only exercise I've ever done consistently. Currently, I live in Hawaii and walk along a beachfront sidewalk 3 miles 3-4 times per week. I go early in the morning because it gets hot here quickly once the sun comes up. I began using the Map My Walk app and now I find myself trying to beat my time. At 55,…
  • Hi Everyone, I'm 55 and just starting over AGAIN. I have done every fad diet imaginable and I'd really like to be able to just eat sensibly--healthy foods in moderation. I'm trying very hard to get my head back in the right place; if that happens, the food follows. This day 2 of healthy eating so far--best I've done in…