redhotredneck Member


  • I'm in, but due to a lack of internet at home and filters at work I'm unable to access the google doc. So I'll just report in and keep track myself! :)
  • I've always wanted to run in the 5/3 event in Grand Rapids - so this year I'm going to do it! I'm not sure if I'll do the 5k or 10k, I'll make that decision closer to the date.
  • I had to do the same thing, but I was coming back to be a ref. In actuality the refs have to work harder than skaters, so they usually will whip your butt into shape pretty well. But, I would also recommend doing off-skate exercises as well as your work on skates. There are so really good videos out there - youtube, etc -…
  • I haven't been to roller con, but a few of my league mates went this past summer. It is in July - super hot, but all the classes/bouts/events are all in one place. In past years, you would have to travel around the city to get from class to bout to class, etc. They have classes for ALL levels, as well as bouts, scrimmages…
  • Had myself a twilight marathon going the past few weeks - repeatedly watching the all 3 movies. I try to keep watching them in the correct order...but sometimes I just don't feel like moving on to the next one and will watch the same one again and again....:blushing:
  • Only once, but am planning on going again as soon as I can manage it - gotta wait til this weekend while the hubby's at work...he wouldn't understand! :bigsmile:
  • I'm Red Hot Redneck, Ref with Grand Raggidy Roller Girls in Grand Rapids, MI. :) I used to be a skater, but due to some minor injuires, home life interruptions and a few other reasons, I transitioned to Ref this last May.
  • Did anyone else notice the shot in Rio where they were dancing in the street and his wedding ring wasn't on his finger?? Edited for spelling...
  • Thats an interesting idea - sneaking in the small bottle of wine....hmmm, but I agree maybe not the best way to view the movie on opening weekend. :) I'll save that for when I can watch in the privacy of my own home!
  • I'm so excited and I'm not seeing it until tomorrow night since I couldn't swing a midnight showing with my schedule this week. I LOVE it when they have special scenes at the end after credits! Its like having a bonus track on a cd!
  • So, I couldn't get my tickets onine with the gift card so I'm heading to the theatre to pick them up tonight on the way home from work! :) so excited!!!
  • So, my christmas list encompassed 2 things - new skates and a kindle. My sister,spilled the beans that I'm getting one from my parents (woo hoo) so I got to pick out the one I wanted - I just want the classic one, not color, not touch screen. so the one for $79 now...and then I'll be getting gift cards for books and…
  • Ugh! that totally sucks about Bertuzzi! Here's hoping that he gets well quickly! :)
  • BIG TIME red wings fan - both myself and the hubby are big fans! But I think his dad is a bigger one cuz he's got his whole basement done in redwings memorabila! :) Needless to say, we like to spend game time there as much as possible. Hopefully planning a trip to the Joe sometime this season. :)
  • I read the whole series about 1 1/2 years ago. I totally agree the first book takes a bit to get into, but once you're hooked it flys, and the other 2 books just pick up where the first one stopped and fly right along. I'm not sure on how well the movies stay to the books, as I haven't seen them yet. They are on my list to…
  • So, I've made plans to see the movie Friday night with my sister! :) Whew! I don't have to see it by myself! :) Woo hoo! Going to try to see if I can buy tickets ahead of time with the gift card I have....
  • Mine is my roller derby name - Red Hot Redneck :)
  • I'm up for a challenge! :) However, on the whole human complexion issue...I totally agree...however its with James (Cam Gigandet) he didn't really interest me as James but I saw him in Burlesque and OMG :love: I'm not that big of fan of Robert...I coudl be team James...just with no makeup on :wink:
  • I loved the books! Read all of them in a week and then proceeded to re-read them to make sure I didn't miss anything! Its a great story. I'm withholding judgement on the movie until I've seen it. I've seen too many books ruined by the movies, so I'm hoping that they do the books justice! :)
  • Hi, my name is Carol and I'm an avid reader. I read a lot of stuff, but the past few years have been heavy on the paranormal stuff. Includeing the Sherrilyn Kenyon Dark hunter/dream hunter/were hunter series, and a few other books she's written as well. I also have read the Blue Bloods series, Twilight series, and am…
  • My favorite book is Breaking Dawn...I love that the point fo view changes in the book, were the others were really just from Bella's point of view. It was almost refreshing to get the outside perspective. :)
  • Oh boy! Can't wait. I'm still trying to organize a group to go see it with. Going by myself totally sucks and the hubby won't even get in the car if I mention the movie!
  • living in Grand Rapids
  • looking forward to going :) trying to get a group of girls to go together! its always much more fun that way. So we may not make the opening night, but definitely opening weekend!
  • my hubby's horrible on phones, in one year I believe he went thru 4 phones! Lost three of them down ice fishing holes - one of them we could see in 8 ft of freezing cold water ringing as a call was coming in :grumble: another one was a flip phone that he flipped open and lost hold of at the same time while on a boat in the…
  • So, I wasn't able to start last night, After moving rooms all weekend, plus scaring people in a haunted forest for 4 hrs sunday night and a killer derby practice last night I just couldn't do it. So I'm gonna get it done tonight! :) Only 1 day behind, isn't so bad.
  • I'm in too! I need to kick myself back into gear after falling off the wagon for a while....sounds like a good plan! :)
  • Is it too late to join in on this derby fun?? I'm Red Hot Redneck, I'm a referree with the Grand Raggidy Roller Girls, in Grand Rapids MI. We just had our 2nd bout of this season on Saturday and we're gearing up for our next one in November. I really need to work on my endurance for the Nov bout, as we will be short…
  • I'm a referee for our local roller derby team. Its a lot of fun, and a great way to get a lot of activity in. Where are you located? You may have a local team to contact.
  • I'm a big fan of Sherrrilyn Kennyon's Dark Hunter/Were-hunter/dream hunter series...They have a greek myth combined w/ vampire/were wolf type spin that is quite paranormal and entertaining....