My daughter's nutritionist told her during her pregnancy that the only cereal that would not spike her blood sugar was fiber one, she had been eating total before now we both eat the fiber one, and I snack on it often in the car, as it is very filling, crunchy, and nutritious....mixing it with cottage cheese and…
I always lose on day 11 of dieting, days 1 - 10 I see nothing, then 3-4 lbs will be gone. So I have to be careful not to give in or give up just before that happens....sometimes water is retained, or salt holds in the water....I've discovered a big amount of salt in some canned veggies. Are you getting enough protein ? I…
I too learned this week that a disappointment can be turned into something positive. A WW member shared in the meeting that her birthday bash had caused her a weight gain, and she felt like going to her car to cry, but instead came into the meeting to sit and listen. We then all learned that 3 members had a birthday the…
I agree that sweets makes you crave more sweets....happens without me even thinking about it....but I have found a slimfast meal bar that is identical to a chewy brownie. The slimfast salty chocolate almond meal bar....all nutritious and does NOT make me crave more fact I can eat 1/3 the bar and be satisfied,…
I see you are in England.....I am in New England in the U.S...... the state of Maine....where it is still winter. My son married a wonderful lady from the Canary Isle of Tenerife, and they have lived in Brussels, Ireland, and Tokoyo, for his job. They just recently transferred back to the U.S. in southern CA.....where I…
To Ahaverland....yes I do have a question.....thank you for volunteering your experience and knowledge. Is it necessary to follow food combining.....I read often not to eat 2 carbs together, but to put two other types , and then I lose track of which goes with which. Is there a combination that takes weight off faster ?
I always go back to what I learned in high school 'a hundred years ago'.....lie in front on the tv on your back and do slow leg lifts, legs together, for the stomach. then up on all fours for the back leg lifts, those are harder, side to side, and hold them out there. Then I do a lot of standing side to side stretches,…
Very nice !! Thank you for sharing. New grandmum here, and realizing all over again how wonderul babies are. Knowing how fast they grow up makes every moment precious. Those moments with my grandbaby make me wish I could go back and enjoy all over those days of young motherhood.
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels. I promise myself I can have anything my heart desires, just not today....I pick a day in the future, like my birthday. Once I know I can have anything on that day, I calm down, am ok, and can be good just knowing I am not deprived, and when that day comes, I will make good choices.
Too many grains make me sluggish....oatmeal with toast or bagel makes me very I add in protein and lots of fruit instead and stay peppy. I would prefer bagels and oatmeal and then a nice whole grain sandwich at lunch, but then I get carb overload which slows me way down. Try limiting the grains and upping the…
Also try splitting your meals into 6 smaller ones daily...that way your metabolism stays revved up and you are constantly burning calories. When you skip meals, or skimp on them, the body stops burning, and adjusts itself to what you give be sure your calories are enough since your exercise is intense.
My sister told me a handful of almonds or walnuts works for her....I thought I would want the whole bag, but found out she is right....they do satisfy. I choose apples, grapefruit slices in the jar, celery with salsa, oatmeal with cinnamon, skim milk, and almonds and blueberries is very filling....but for the sugar…
you can click on search and find almost any topic you can think on recent posts and answer someone's question, or ask your own, click on my topics and it takes you right to those things you last looked at or commented on....I just read as much as possible, and I believe it was under search that I found posts…
Barb....thank you so so much for that explanation of the protein needs !! You are an angel.....I know the carbs, and the calories inside out, but never learned the protein facts.....thanks for sharing.....I really needed that ! one more Louise
Arborsong.....I am also a Louise, and my first goal is april 15, trip to see my son's new place in southern CA, from that also a goal of yours ? you mentioned that date. I like the idea of smaller goals that members are listing, working up to the larger ones a bit at a time. Happy Birthday to all the birthday…
Does anyone have any advice on how much protein we should be including ? I could live on fruits and veggies, do love lentils, and egg white omelets, but have a difficult time getting enough protein there an amount that is best for getting the weight off ? I know there are food combos that work better than…
It's great to see a dedicated guy on here, and I agree with the 'gorgeous eyes' comment. And Brenda, I do read the helps get to know one another and why we are all in this together. I did a similar site a few yrs back through slimfast online and it worked many tips shared, all on the same…
HI Jessica, and welcome.....I am new to this site as well, but did a similar site through slimfast 2 yrs ago.....huge prizes were great incentive in that program, and many of us were very successful because of that. I lost 34 lbs in 12 wks, which was average for our group nationwide of 2300 members. When the challenge…
I would use my alone time to spring clean, organize, watch a movie I have been wanting to see, go to the library and browse topics I have been wanting to learn about, take the kids to library storytime, sit and read in the playplace or park while the kids have fun, write down your thoughts and journal your feelings, write…
Hello Ladies....just found this site, but was part of a similar site sponsored by slimfast 2 yrs ago....lost 34 lbs in 12 wks....the prizes were great motivation. Returned eventually to eating my favorites, fried, sugars, alcohol, and breads, and gained it back 1 lb a week. Have been trying since to get re-motivated…
2 yrs ago slimfast/kmart did an incredible weight loss challenge...24,000 participated, and in 12 wks, there were only 2300 still in the had to lose 2 lbs every 2 wks to stay in...most of us lost 3 lbs per wk....I lost 34 in the 12 wks. There were huge prizes and cash for incentive, which became our focus…