

  • I've had my thyroid checked, though I've read there's more and less accurate ways of testing. Not sure which way was used. my hormones I'm not entirely sure. I know my vitamin levels haven't been checked but I kind of had to choose my battles with my doctors so it's still something I want to try to get done if I can.
  • are used ones still accurate, I would imagine they would lose calibration after awhile
  • that's definitely a different way of doing it lol. not a bad idea either. thank you for your help!
  • ya know, just because someone makes a suggestion, doesn't mean it gets done instantly. you want me to count calories, I can do that. I'm looking at scales on amazon right now. but guess what, it takes time, and in the mean time, I have other questions I was hoping to get opinions on as well. Sooooo, maybe bring something…
  • we try, my wife has been diligently blanching and freezing tomatoes from our garden for the past week, unfortunately anything we can't grow we have to buy which gets expensive.
  • I was shocked by the amount of weight and inability to take it off again over years, not that I gained weight in the first place. before then I had never been above 180 and that was when I was lifting regularly in high school.
  • Interesting. I have long wondered if that kind of weight gain was within some sort of normal range, given the hindsight of the infection. the biggest concern was that there was generally not much info on the internet about that kind of gain (except in body building articles, but they all talk about muscle gain) and thyroid…
  • ya sorry. I knew it was going to be kind of long. thanks for trying though!
  • Thank you for the consideration! your story definitely rings a familiar tone with my own. I'm really lucky to have found a doctor that humored me. (When he said he could do an endoscopy he made it clear he didnt think he was going to find anything.) I keep a picture of my inflamed stomach on my bulletin board over my desk…
  • Thank you!! I was hoping someone would not skip over that part. I suppose in my efforts to give full disclosure, I didn't emphasize the weight gain enough because everyone seems to be ignoring it. Also that burger looks delicious.
  • I have already explained over and over again that I have not excluded overeating from being possible, I don't know how I can be more open minded than that other than just blindly agreeing and going on my merry way. it seems that the people that refuse to believe it could be anything but overeating are the ones who need to…
  • I will try to use measuring cups for stuff that can fit (Corn, carrots etc). Unfortunately, even 15 dollars for a scale is way over budget for me. I know that's probably hard to believe but my finances are very very slim owing to me not being able to work for a long time, even now I'm only quazi employed. and my wife and I…
  • I have a problem with people jumping to that conclusion because I spent 3 years having doctors do the same thing and low and behold, I was that 1% of the time problem that the doctor wouldn't even humor. So yes, maybe it is a problem, but again. Lets assume for the moment its not. and figure out what that 1% problem could…
  • anything that's going to cost money to do I have to think twice beforehand because I have almost nothing when it comes to disposable income. Otherwise I would have gone to my doctor and nutritionist rather than going on the internet. so If I do want to weigh all my food, that means I will have to save the money for a…
  • Thank you for the reply everyone. But its sad to see everyone jumping to the conclusion that I'm over eating. I really don't think I am but will not exclude the possibility if nothing else comes up. Whether you agree or not, let's, for the moment assume, that I'm not overeating. I'm looking for a wide range of paths to be…
  • well, the diary is hand written and I don't have a scanner, so I'm not sure how I could get it on here. I'd be happy to transcribe some of the pages into a post though. I wasn't weighing my food, at that point, I large portion of what I was eating was prepackaged (Instant oatmeal, chicken soup,) anything my wife made for…
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