You can't get rid of them completely. If there still red, make sure to hydrate the skin. And hope they fade quickly to white. In my experience, once there turned white you can only see them under a certain light.
Well personally, I don't really care if I went over my sugar goal because I ate an apple. But maybe try raspberries, they are low in sugar compared to apples. It won't fill you up as much but you get your portion of fruit. I love eating them as a snack or with oatmeal as breakfast :smile:
Sounds fine to me, i'm 5'6, currently 132 lbs, 27-inch waist (I always had an small waist, it used to be 24-inch when I was 120 lbs) and also 36-inch hips :)
Its Dutch, Boomstammetje is similar to meatloaf but in a cilinder shape so we call it boomstammetje (translated as treetrunk) Groentesoep is just vegetablesoup Aardappelpuree is mashed potato Toastbrood is toastbread and Kipsalade is literally translated as chickensalad but here we use it as a spread, so it's chicken with…