RAS10710 Member


  • Hi all, I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 18 (I turn 22 in April), after I'd had a cyst drained on my right ovary. Here in South Aust there doesn't seem to be much support or knowledge about it. Even amongst doctors. I was diagnosed by a gynecologist after the surgery, but apart from mentioning it for history when I…
  • Keep hydrated, drink lots of water. Try adding flaxseed (also called linseed) to your meals. It doesn't have a huge effect, but I found it helped me a bit. Sprinkle over breakfast cereals, mix with oatmeal/porridge, make dairy free smoothies and throw a tablespoon in, if you're making a casserole or any dinner dish that…
  • It's such a great walk!!! I've only ever done it once. Hubby and I, along with two of our friends, decided pretty much on a whim one beautiful Sunday afternoon to give it a go. We made it all the way up and down. We took our time though and were messing around and taking photos and stuff like that. So much fun!!! And so…
  • Is this a daily challenge?? Or just a do throughout the week challenge?? I'm assuming because it's only 30 minutes that it's a challenge to do everyday of week 9?
  • I'm still getting used to the groups and discussion boards on the website (I usually use the iPhone app) and now I'm confused... Is this just a discussion thread or is it a group?? If it's a group can someone please invite me to join as I can't find it when I search for it in the groups tab and coz I can't find it I can't…
  • Just a couple of questions: What's the 1,2,3,4 challenge? I'm from Australia so I use kgs for weight, if I join do you want me to convert my numbers to lbs to make it easier for those in charge calculating percentage losses, making graphics, etc?
  • Hi all, I'm 21 and my first goal is to get back to pre-pregnancy weight. After that I need to get myself into a healthy weight zone. I've been a bit slack with exercise so I decided to look for a weekly challenge group that will suit me well and this group is it! Two days in a row now I've been over my daily calories AND…
  • Instead of jeans I'm going to hang up a pretty dress I would love to be able to fit back into. I've also got a pair of board shorts that are a gorgeous pinky-peachy colour that I would just love to be able to pull up past my thighs, over my bum, and the little velcro closer not pop open!!! Pretty sure that hubby is…
  • 1. Name (screen names are ok) 2. Goal weight. 3. What are your fitness plans going to be in 2012. 4. Tell one of your friends or mfp about our team.(Its ok if they dont join :-) ) 1. Hi everyone, I'm Ruth (RAS10710). :smile: 2. My current weight is just under 105kg. My ultimate goal weight is 70kg, but coz I'm sort of tall…
  • I love that when you go out you nearly always see someone you know. Or when meeting new people you have a mutual friend. I know it really means that the world is small but I like it =)