Wednesday, December 7 REMINDER: Please be sure to copy the most recent post, and be sure to get everybody's name — AND THE DATE — copied when you're updating the list. Please keep this reminder on as well. Thank you! Hallie (hbarney)- 7 Mollie - 3 Dounia - 7 Pam - 3 Lana - 4 Laura- 5 Shanae - 2 Felicia -1 Jill - 6 Beeps -…
Never been involved in a group before, but I am in!
Never been involved in a group before, but I am in!
Everyone has a bad day or several bad days..don't let it stop you! You have to want to do this for yourself! My husband can eat anything and has a healthier heart rate and lower cholesterol than I do, so I had to decide this was for me and me alone! Just pick yourself up, dust yourself off and start again! Just like…
Try eating not only more protein, but more fiber and make sure to drink water too.