

  • 4.3 miles today and knee didn't collapse in me, Bonus!
  • Just remember you are not in a race. When you start, slow down, then slow down some more. The aim is to run for 20 minutes. You can build up pace and distance later, for now just doing 20 minutes continuous will feel like a massive achievement. And remember, Slow down!
  • A few days late, but I'll set myself 80 miles for my first month tracking. (just putting the weblink so I dont lose it!! )
  • The biggest tip I can give is when you start your 20 minute run, slow down. when you have slowed down, slow down some more, then once you've done that, slow down a bit more. Speed is not the objective. You don't need to win a race. you just have to run for 20 minutes. If you dont pace yourself you will run of energy early…
  • The only skirts in my closet are my wife's. Although getting into those would mean I have lost a lot of weight, it would highlight some bigger issues! Good luck
  • I had two. Getting ready to go to a wedding and just as we were about to leave the house, I put on my suit jacket only to find out it didn't fit. Not just didn't fit, but not even close. no amount of pulling my stomach in could help. That made me feel down but not too bad, but then two weeks late my five-year-old daughter…
  • So true. It is as simple as burn more calories than you consume. Pills make temporary changes to the body, but as soon as you stop taking them the weight goes on again unless you fundamentally change your behaviours. As hard as it may be, you just have to accept the some people aren't going to put the same effort in as you…
  • I had almost exactly the same pattern of weight loss with a lot of loss then a plateau. If you have gone from not much exercise and dieting to what you describe then you will lose a lot quickly to start of with purely because your net calories have reduced. But over time you reach a point where your body starts changing…
  • I found the same. I stared at the beginning of July doing a C25K. At the end of one of the sessions I just decided to run the 5 min cool down, then cool down after. the next day I went for a run and did the 5K. a few of those then one day, for no reason and no planning I ran 12k. I think there is a moment when you start…
  • I 2nd That ^^^^^^^. I did the same and found the biggest barrier was my mind! Ignore your internal voice when it starts doubting and just run through it. As the distance increases I found it useful, if I started to feel like I couldn't do it, to start setting little mini goals. Get to the next lamp-post, then just to the…
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