sweetpea799 Member


  • My son saying " Mom....mom....mom...come see...mom..."
  • Hi Gingerpeachy, Thx for the reply. I despise burpees, I'd rather do 100 situps, maybe I'll eventually be able to keep up w them! I am new to all this and no I do not have a coach, not really sure what that involves. I'm hoping that being connected here will help me persevere. Just loved TJ from first time I saw it. I…
  • I'm new to group and love Turbo Jam. My problem is staying with the program, I always fizzle out after week 2....I'm determined this time to stick w it! My TJ dvd set is really old so my goal is to stick w this for a while and then treat myself to one of Chalenes newer programs. I've got about 40 to lose so its a long…
  • I've never forgotten 20 years ago, I was 13 years old and "the chubby girl", during school lunch a boy I had a crush on looked at me and said ' how about that, you pick at a salad every day and you're still getting fat'. Just shows some comments stay with us. Sadly, I'm still the chubby girl...but not for long....I've…