

  • mines not public as i suffer from an ED and some days just dont look good but mayb people wouldnt look at it, does anyone else have food issues x
  • i too hate running just cant do it get very out of breath and got big boobs lol, i do power walking can walk nearly 4m/hr so work up a sweat, also i use the wii fit if u have one they r good for fitness or have u got a friend near by who has a wii can do joint work outs and give u support too sometimes can get things on…
  • hey thats great and yr clothes must be far too big for u now i have lost 4lbs and things are too big wrong my waist got a size 12 waist but got big tummy so have to wear size 14 i have another 2.5 stone yet maybe more as idea weight is very wide so not sure what to work towards, i like some numbers in kgs and then some in…
  • i am new to here and didnt realise u can add friends etc seem good, i am from tun/wells i want to lose 20kgs i only started on fri so not weigh myself yet xx
  • i want to lose 20 kg and would love local support i live in tun/wells in kent do struggle as ave ED tendency's
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