NoranaC Member


  • You're daughters are right - your story does help inspire others...
  • I would like to be added too! I only have one person on my friends list and I would like to increase that so I can develop a good geeky support system - people who understand the difficulties of eating healthy at role playing conventions, and not snacking mindlessly while playing WoW for a ten hour stretch on the…
  • THAT is fantastic!!!
  • Geek alert! My dog is named after a Star Wars character. I read sci-fi and fantasy, play the occasional RPG (both pen and paper and electronic varieties), and create 8-bit inspired arts and crafts, and am looking for some new friends. If there are any geek girls in Brooklyn, I'm looking for an exercise buddy that I can…
  • I played wow for a few years but took a break starting a few months ago. Now I'm trying get into DDO but I don't really know anyone else who play it... Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods