

  • My heart goes to you. I think watching family suffer is one of the greatest heartaches of life. You need to believe you deserve to have every dream fulfilled and success at whatever you put your mind to. Great success to your journey!
  • Change your focus. Get busy doing something you love late at night. ... A puzzle, reading a book, .. dance in your living room? The cravings are your body adjusting to the new you and it takes a while to adjust... so put your mind somewhere else. I'm guessing you were probably in front of the TV and a food ad came on and…
  • Have been on quite a journey. It started with health which subsequently resulted in weight loss. Now I sleep better, am a healthy weight for my height, have more energy and my state of mind is transformed. I've tried many things in the past, but the only way I had reduced my weight to this level in the past was effectively…
    in hey Comment by cocoa4life September 2014
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