

  • Hi There! I've just been on this website for a few days and find it very helpful. I really need to put some info up on my profile but here's a bit about me... I also live in Canada (Oakville, Ontario about 30 minutes away from Toronto). I am 42 and have a 13 year old and a 9 year old. I've been trying to lose the same 5-10…
  • Hi there! I hear your frustration. You probably already know that muscle weighs more than fat and that might be a reason for your lack of weight loss. Also, you should feel proud that you are 10lbs. are accomplishing amazing goals and changing so many lifestyle habits! It will definitely pay off for your body…
  • For a snack on the go...24 almonds and lots of water. It's amazing how well they tie you over to the next meal.
  • Thanks for the support! :)