decrease sugar content, try to keep it under 50g. Maybe try to add some healthy fats instead of keeping them low?
Dubai, UAE.....originally NB, Canada
I have a severe intolerance to wheat/grains and have been gluten/grain free for over 5 years. I don't crave wheat, nor did I find it hard to give up ( I guess that would be because I know the side effects that it does to my body). I also follow Paleo/Keto and find that my energy level is sky high, I feel great and have no…
Originally from F'ton, NB!! Add me as a friend, would love more Canadians. I miss CA now that I live overseas.
6 maybe. A couple Lululemon ones that are super cute that I can wear with yoga attire. 1 Reebok one that is very supportive that I use for long runs and a couple cheaper ones that I only use if the others aren't clean.
nuts? carrot sticks? beef jerky (my fave!) for the car. As far as restaurants go, I tend to order a grilled protein (beef or chicken) and veggies or sliced avocado on the side. Most restaurants will substitute for you.
I too would love to help and would appreciate the support as well. I'm 45, living in Dubai, UAE (originally from Canada) and needing about another 18 pounds before goal. friend request?