phaedrab Member


  • Hi everyone! My name is Phaedra and I just finished Level 1 Day 1 (I can barely lift my arms). I have problems with follow through, and even though I've been working out consistently since the new year, I've never stuck with any of my multitude of DVD programs for longer than a few days. I'm serious about changing that…
  • You all look wonderful! I can't wait to be able to post my own success story. Keep it up! :happy:
  • I love TurboJam, but haven't been able to stick with TurboFire long enough to see any results. Like another poster said, it is discouraging to not be able to make it through a whole workout. But since you brought it up, I think I might give it a shot again! Good luck to you!
  • Shoulder/Arms/Ab Ripper X. I didn't do too badly on the shoulders/arms part, but the abs killed me. I could only do about 10-15 reps, and I only made it halfway through. I got my husband to do it today, also, and he actually got sick during the Ab Ripper. Now I have something to tease him about...
  • Today was Day 2 for me. I did Core synergistics. There were quite a few of the moves that I just plain couldn't do. I guess that's what I get for going so cardio-heavy for too long. Woke up feeling lousy and had to talk myself into working out, but now I feel better (mentally, at least!). Now, to find that bottle of…
  • Thanks so much! That corresponds a lot better with the disc names.
  • Okay, so I started a day behind due to unplanned overtime, but I managed to struggle my way through the whole Kenpo workout this morning. Since I can't manage to get out of my chair right now, I'm going to think of some things to post: - I'm having an issue with the workout names in the fitness guide (I'm following the…
  • I'd love to join! I've had P90X sitting by my DVD player for a year. I usually manage a few days, then just lose motivation. It'll be great to have some support (other than my husband, who usually just sits on the couch watching. Hey, maybe I can get him to do the program!). PJB