

  • I've been buying wine that comes in smaller bottles....I know Barefoot makes single serving wine (ok, not the best wine in the world but it's tasty) and some other wineries make sample bottles that are half the size of a regular wine bottle. This works for me because I have a hard time not pouring myself another glass once…
  • @RubyBeach...your post was just the motivation I needed to get back into logging my calories! I just had knee surgery 2 weeks ago and have been pretty down about it and totally fell of the Fitness Pal wagon but I'm going to jump back in! Thanks!!!!!!
  • I'm right there with you...I was doing so well for a while and then in the past couple weeks I fell off the healthy wagon...hard. After eating something not-so-great for me I usually end up feeling sorry for myself and end up eating more. Yesterday I decided to try to get motivated (again) so I made a big pot of vegetable…
  • I just started on Monday and I too have done the loosing and gaining thing! Let's do this!!!
    in I'm new! Comment by Triciad25 May 2011