

  • That does give me somegreat ideas!! :) Thanks! Yeah potato chips are pretty awesome, i miss them lol... I do not like shrimp, but everything else sounds pretty good, especially the nuts and cheese...wasn't sure i could have any cheese..yes oatmeal is a wonderful thing, i just bought some raspberries and oats so i can have…
  • I really appreciate all the feedback! The bootcamp class seems really cool, not sure if i am ready for that step yet lol, but it is something i will look into here. Yes, i meant fast food, i completely cut that out...I will start increasing my protein as suggested by you all, i know i have been struggling with getting the…
  • I am 5"8.5 and my goal is 125 :)
  • Thank you! :) I unlocked my diary, did not realize they have different settings on it lol. I love food, but i feel like if i eat certain things, i may over indulge so i cut a lot of things out cold turkey...I switched to almost no soda, if i do drink it, i drink sprite zero. Just egg whites now, instead of regular eggs and…