

  • Untrue. Even if couscous were to expand at twice its size from uncooked to cooked, the nutritional value of quinoa would still be twice that of couscous.
  • All, I found my info by entering "couscous nutrition", and "quinoa nutrition" within the Google search engine. The answer comes up on the first page of results, within a large box on the right side of your screen. 48g of protein and 48g of fiber in one cup. 6g of protein and 2.2g of fiber in one cup. Of course, this is one…
  • I hate that someone could ask a scientific question, yet get so many opinions in reply. Scientifically: Quinoa has 48% of your recommended protein and fiber for the day - as opposed to 12% protein and 8% fiber for cous cous. Point made. No extra words needed.
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