janetrene Member


  • I would suggest getting the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred! It is great and all you need is a couple of 5 lb weights. There are 3 levels on this DVD and you get cardio and strength without overdoing it! It is great for those days you can't get out. Also you can move on to the next level when you want. I do it on the days I…
  • I agree! Ignore the negativity! You are asking excellent questions. Keep us posted like I said in an earlier post! :D
  • Keep up the good work! 8lbs lost is fabulous! I agree with a lot of these responses. It does depend on your body type. Sometimes it is 10lbs. lost and you will go down a pants size and most of the time it is more. Just remember muffin top isn't pretty! lol! If your sixteens are loose on you enjoy it for a while until they…
  • Keep up the good work! Gotta break the cycle somewhere. Also I would go to the doctor and get your thryroid checked if you haven't already and even though I am on MFP I still see a dietician. She has helped me make healthier choices with what I eat and how I shop. You doctor can recommend one for you if you ask. I am…
  • Your are on the right track. July is a good goal to keep that way the weight doesn't come off to fast. I am currently trying to lose my last 80lbs of weight. It has taken me 7 months to lose the 30 I have lost. It is a complete lifestyle change and if you are ready for it and have the right support it will happen. I am…
  • Love Trader Joe's! I have recently discovered the Kalamata olive hummus. It is fantastic with the organic blue corn tortilla chips. It makes an excellent and healthy snack when I am at school so I don't eat out of the vending machines that they have all over campus!