Guanaco Member


  • just saw this and think it's a great thread. i'm usually good for most of the week but usually on sundays i tend to drink a lot. Trying to curb the beer out of my diet but it's hard since that's what most of the people i do drink. As what happened this past weekend. this weekend should be interesting.
  • This is great. a hampster joke, that just made me feel like was 10 all over again. that is some tru stuff though. all love is no good. someone has to be able to tell you shut the F up grow some balls and move on.
  • I'm a part time smoker and have always thought the same thing. It is a little weird that in the work place it's almost that you penalized for being healthy. I used to have a friend of mine come out with me on my smoke breaks and when our boss asked him where he was going, (since he didn't smoke) he would just replay for a…
    in Smoke Break Comment by Guanaco June 2011