lindaw66 Member


  • you are correct in the portions sizes, but Haylie says if you feel you can't finish all of that food, you can cut out 1/2 of a portion.
  • I used to live in Oceanside and Lake Elsinore! Welcome!:drinker:
  • If you have the book use the portions in the book. If you have any questions you can go onto the fast metabolism Facebook page and ask questions there, she answers really quick! If you don't have the book, you should get it, as I refer to it all the time.
  • I'm excited too, but I keep having to run to the grocery store every few days! I know in the beginning you have to get some staples, but because I'm eating so much fresh food, I'm afraid to buy too much and I end up running out. I used to be the person who was always throwing away fruit and veggies, becasue we NEVER ate it…
  • I say both. I downloaded the book on my kindle, so it is helpful to have the app for quick food list questions. There are some bugs they are still working out with the app though, so another good resource is Facebook. I've submitted a few questions and Haylie responds fairly quick!
  • Do you have a Facebook page? If so, you can find The Fast Metabolism Diet on FB, and ask your question there. Haylie responds fairly quickly. I would think it would be okay as long as it was plain oatmeal as the other other meal with flavor would have sugar and other things added that you can't have.
  • Mango-Avocado Smoothie Serves 1 3/4 cup unsweetened coconut milk 1/2 cup frozen mango chunks 1/4 avocado Pour the coconut milk into the blender. Add the mango and avocado and blend until smooth. Avocado in a smoothie? I guess we'll have to try it! Apparently creamy avocado blends perfectly with mango and coconut and it's…
  • Phase 1 Smoothie 1/2 cup unsweetened rice milk 1 cup frozen sliced peaches 1/4 cup canned white beans ( line cannellini, navy or great northern) 1/8 teaspoon cinnamon pinch of nutmeg So if you are wanting a break from the oatmeal, this might be good.
  • I just saw a good idea for a phase 1 snack, microwave apple slices with cinnamon and stevia, and apparently it taste like apple pie!
  • You are so right! I questioned myslef about getting on the scale, but becasue I was feeling so light, I wanted to see the number. I really need to just weigh once per week. Congrats to you though, you are doing great!
    in Results! Comment by lindaw66 April 2013
  • I didn't know you were my height too! I got down to 178 friday but now back to 180 this morning :( Not enough water and too much stress! But anyway we are close in size, so lets get lower together!
  • I don't want to bring anyone down today, but I'm up 2 pounds from Friday :sad: I think I know why and I want everyone to learn from my mistakes. I work every other weekend and this weekend I was off so I slept in late. Starting my day off at later than I normally do pushed back all of my eating and I ended up eating dinner…
    in Results! Comment by lindaw66 April 2013
  • I have a girlfriend that's doing this plan with me and she found sprouted bread at Kroger and she said there was more of a selection of organic foods there. I don't know if any of you have Kroger where you are, I live in Indiana near the border of Kentucky.
    in Organic Comment by lindaw66 April 2013
  • I bought the sprout bread and two boxes of vegan tomato soup and nitrate fee turkey and cost me $25!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't afford to keep buying organic. I did find nitrate free deli turkey at Walmart for a whole lot less than the whole foods store. I think I will continue to buy the sprout bread at the whole food store. I'm…
    in Organic Comment by lindaw66 April 2013
  • Sharon, thank you so much for sharing your story. You have come a long way! Congradulations on your weight loss and your success with this plan is very much inspiring! I'm so glad you joined our group and I look forward to hearing more success stories from you!
  • I was hoping Trader Joes woul dhave the Nitrate free jerky. I did find some on Amazon, I want to hit up Trader Joe's first and possbile have them order it for me if they can.
  • I don't belong to Costco, but maybe Trader Joe's might have it.
  • I could have sworn that when I ate the open faced turkey in phase 1 with 4 slices of tomato, that that tomatoe was considered the fruit. I don't have my book with me today, but that's what I remember.
    in Tomatoes Comment by lindaw66 April 2013
  • I wanted to buy some Almond butter but NONE of my local stores carry it and I didn't feel like going to the health food store and spending (I'm guessing here) $10 for Almond Butter. Maybe I'll check out Walmart on the way home from work. I had the Berry Oatmeal smoothie this morning with Cellery sticks. Snack is cucumbers…
  • I'm so excited to report that I finally after a year broke the 170's barrier! TOM is still here and I just lost another pound! I've lost a total of 2.8 since Monday and I'm so excited about that!:laugh: :happy: :tongue: :drinker:
    in Results! Comment by lindaw66 April 2013
  • I was down 1.4 on day 2, but day three TOM arrived and I've stayed at the same weight. I'm hoping the scale will budge again when TOM goes away in a few days.
    in Results! Comment by lindaw66 April 2013
  • Welcome Deb! We are happy to have you! We might be coming to you with quesitons since you read the book twice! I have the book on my Kindle and I almost wish I had the hard copy to put yellow stickies and highlight certian things. I have 50 pounds to lose and I'm excited about this plan too! I too have done HCG and Atkins…
  • I'm a switchboard operator for 7 hospitals and I work from 6am - 2pm. I have a little downtime from 6am - 8am and inbetween calls, I check out the site! It's the one social media site they haven't blocked!
  • I found some on, but they are not cheap! I haven't ordered yet because you have to order a box at a time.
    in FMD Bars Comment by lindaw66 April 2013
  • That's good to know about feeling to full. I was feeling that way yesterday, so I just had 1 serving for dinner as I was stuffed!
  • Welcome Tena! Congrats on your daughters wedding! June will be here before we know it! I love weddings, I hope you can share a picture of your and your daughter at the wedding! I hope this is the answer to your situation too. Thank god for susportive husbands. Sounds like you have all the tools to suceed!
  • Welcome to the group! Maybe you can share some of the errors you made, so we can learn from your mistakes :happy:
  • Yesterday was my day off so I got to sleep in. I normally get up at 4am every day. Yesterday I slept until 9am! I don't normally sleep in that late on my days off. I usually sleep till about 7 or 7:30. So I had the Turkey Bacon and Celery, but I thought that was a snack, so then I also ate the spanish egg white omelete!…
  • I have to be to work at 5:30 am, so Coffee was a staple for me! I gave it up and I had to suffer with a mild headach for one day. I really want to try and follow all of her suggestions in the book, especially since it's only for 28 days. Although I will probably have to do this for at least 3 months or so to get to my goal.
    in Coffee Comment by lindaw66 April 2013