Lizziecro Member


  • Thanks. I agree, 1200 cal restriction would enable that weight loss, no doubt at all. My problem is that I'm not sure I could stay with such a calorie restriction. I think I'd probably do better with a few more calories allowed and thus a slower weight loss. I could be wrong, so I'll see how it pans out I suppose. We can…
  • Thanks. I had done that, but was still not playing the game right! :) We newbies have a lot to learn! Ha ha. Thanks so much for your help. Have a great day/night, depending on where you are! :)
  • Thanks very much everyone. I think what's happened is.... I put in that I'd lost weight (1kg over my first week), but the fact that I actually haven't done any exercise (as i'd stated I would, 3 x 40mins/week), has caused the calculator to say, "Well buddy, you're not doing what you said you would, so you'll just have to…
  • Oh, OK. How would I change them manually then?
  • Thanks Janet. But why would it reduce the amount of calories I require? Wouldn't I still need the same calories? I haven't changed the amount I wish to lose at all, which is 1kg/week, which doesn't seem like a very big ask. I appreciate your help very much. I did try to change my settings - repeatedly, but even adjusting…