

  • Cool Can you tell this was my first cilantro purchase? I will freeze it and save myself a bunch of work. thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    in Salsa Comment by sferguson July 2008
  • Do any of you wonderful people know if you can freeze homemade salsa? I have a ton of cilantro I don't want to waste so I want to make up a bunch of pico de gallo salsa but I don't know if it will keep if I freeze it. Just wondering.....if anyone knows please pipe in :)
    in Salsa Comment by sferguson July 2008
  • Did the ab lounge mess up your back you mean? I had to get all kinds of tests done and physical therapy. I am still having trouble!! I have one of those exercise balls but I think my husband deflated it. I will have to get it back out.
  • Does anyone have any suggestions on reducing baby belly!!!? I tried the ab lounge and that messed my back all up so now I am a little limited as to what I can do!!
  • These are very helpful tips! thanks
    in Some Tips Comment by sferguson July 2008
  • I woke up late this am but it is normally 15 mins tread mill 10 mins yoga arm weights and push ups
  • Jaelle~ I am new too! This is a cool website. I have yet to lose my first pound but I am doing things by the rules so I know it will take time. Welcome and good luck :smile:
  • I will try that! We have a fridge at work.
  • I think if you do the calories as you eat them that it helps too. I am at a computer all day so if I eat something I go right on the website and add it in. I gets addictive after a while........although I have yet to lose a pound :cry:
  • Hi~ I am new. Is a slim fast bar and coffee for breakfast a total no-no? I have a hard time doing the breakfast thing