

  • I LOVE pomegranates!!!! From late September until about February I have one as my after dinner snack almost every night. They are a bit of a pain but totally worth it. I get a large bowl of water, quarter the pomegranate, I just score the skin and pull apart, if you cut through it you'll get the juice all over your hands,…
  • I'm pretty new to MFP, how does one join a group? Do we friend each other? Sorry, just confused. I can use all the support I can get. I miss eating... good stuff I mean.
  • I fall into this category too! I'm about 5'1 and I would like to lose another 10 pounds. A couple of weeks ago I was at 150, when I started MFP I was at 145, I'm now between 134 and 135. Every pound is getting more difficult to lose though. It's starting to get a little frustrating. I'm not giving up, just getting more…