bstarwilla Member


  • Great sites! Thanks!
  • I have 2 kids 4 and 7 months and like you I am hanging out with my baby weight from both kiddos! Do you get on the floor and use your baby in your floor excercises? Its a great way to bond and help both of you out at the same time. I am lucky that I have the flexibility to work out daily but its hard to leave the kids to…
  • Good luck! My best way to stay focused on what I want is to think short term. I think If I can just do it for one day then I can worry about the next day tomorrow! One day at a time. Then eventually you'll look back and time will have passed and you will be moving in the right direction. Don't worry about forever...worry…
  • Good Luck! I am also looking for a new me. I turned 32 on April 30 and a gift I gave myself was "A new Me by 33" I am looking forward to pushing myself hard and losing weight! I hope you are successful too!