bren6536 Member


  • Does anyone have any thoughts on how eating later in the evening can effect our efforts to lose wieght? Sometimes I don't get home in the evening until 8pm and then I eat my supper....and.....I will be honest, if I am under my daily calories I will have a snack at night. Sometimes it will be 10pm. Do you think this will…
  • oops! that's supposed to read..."alot more carbs" not "alot more foods" How can you tell that I am hungry right now!!! LOL
  • I heard that low fat foods contain higher carb count. I haven't exactly compared alot of the foods but have checked the mayonnaise and salad dressings and they do have alot more foods if they are low fat. So which is better low fat and higher carbs ....or.....regular fat and lower carbs?
  • Does anyone know how many calories (approximately) are in a lb of fat? I was wondering if the calorie goal on my thingy here! LOL says I need to eat 1450 calories a day and the BMR says I burn 1450 calories a day when completely at rest then how is it possible to lose 1 lb a week if I were to miss a day or two of excercise?
  • Thanks Cheryl! I am glad I found this site. I think the support will be really helpful in keeping me on track. I am getting very discouraged which leads to "bad" foods because they taste soooo good!! I will talk to you later Cheryl it's about 1 am and I am beat Chow Bella Brenda
  • London Ontario !! :D
  • Over the last 18 months I have lost approximately 100 lbs ( I never used to weigh myself I was too disgusted with myself) or 5 pant sizes. I still need to loose another 25 lbs to hit my goal and I haven't been able to loose it. I have been at it for 6 months now for these last 25 and they will just not go away!! Need all…
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