Classiccolors Member


  • Here's something you could try. Go to your profile page and change the settings from sedentary to active and see what the difference in your daily goal would be. I think the examples they use for active are things like mail carrier and nurse. Do you think the activity you did today would be like that?
  • Thanks so much for your replies. Although it seems counter-intuitive I think I'll try adding a couple of hundred calories a day and see if that helps. I'll let you know. Thanks again.
  • I've always had to watch my weight, but after losing the baby pounds from my last child 5 years ago I've been pretty stable at a weight that works for me. I had some life circumstances this winter and as a result, over the course of 2.5 months, I put on 8 pounds. When things got back to normal, I figured no big deal, I'll…
  • If it feels like too much, just keep the exercise low key to start. Go for a walk every day. It will make a difference in how you feel. Once you get a good habit going with food, then you can start ramping up and doing more intense exercise. Good luck!