

  • YOU CAN DO THIS. Say it 3 times out loud to yourself right now. YOU CAN DO THIS!! Why? For you. Forget about losing weight. If you have to go minute to minute instead of day by day, it's OK. A really good trick I've found is if I want something to snack on and it isn't at regular meal times. Drink a glass of water or green…
  • :drinker: I'm with Gigglegirl (of course, she's my daughter). Muscle Milk has been a God send. It's easy, pretty reasonably priced, great tasting, nutritional numbers are good, and is great with skim milk or water. A lot of great flavors too. You won't be sorry.
  • I joined a Weight Loss Challenge class with my daughter 3 weeks ago. I've lost 3 pounds. I guess that's an accomplishment. I'm going to Florida in 3 weeks and was hoping to be a size 8 by then. :laugh: I have to get motivated to exercise but with the heat, I haven't. :sad: Tonight is the first night of the rest of my life.…