

  • In for 15 pounds (20 seems unrealistic and I'm worried the fail would trigger overeating...): CW: 173.7 GW (Christmas): 158.7 To be under 160 again would be HEAVEN - not to mention the amount of clothes that would fit again! Add me (29yo F in NJ) if you're up for it! Carol
  • This thread was fantastically helpful, thank you everyone - I've reached out to a few of you, but feel free to add or message me, too.
  • Peanutmanak47 - that is the kind of post I can get behind! You totally get that "be positive" doesn't always work - and I think I might really be able to hop on board with the separating "my fat" from "myself" thing... I will have to try it tonight. Fingers crossed... Also, I'm so relieved to see that I'm not alone in this…
  • I'm trying not to come off as defensive, but I think you missed the point of my post. I'm not equating all of my worth with my body - I'm simply saying that it is an area in which I'm not satisfied. I don't discount things like friends, family, shelter, a great job, etc - but my body does get me down and pre-occupy me…