EatDrinkandbeSkinny Member


  • Learning about how many calories, or grams of fat in food is HUGE for me for weight loss. It makes me think twice about eating almost everything. Just look up how many calories are in your beloved sandwich and then see how much other delicious stuff you can eat for the same amount! :-)
  • Try changing your routine, try doing more strength training with weights and less cardio for a few days. Also makes sure that your giving yourself some days off. A lot of times a few days with higher calorie intake and no exercise can jump start your system so that you can return to your routine and continue to lose weight.
  • WW Is the lazy mans diet. It works, and I've done it a few times (see..which I guess means it doesn't work). You don't learn about what is in food, most of WW's products have tons of artificial flavorings and chemicals to make them "low cal and low fat". You assume that vegetables have no calories so you can over indulge…
  • agreed. I'd really appreciate my boobs back as well. the wonderful world of A cups is not exciting.
  • Research what soda does to your body, the effects that it has. Diet soda is even worse for you then regular soda, if just the fact that your kind of putting poor fuel into your body isn't enough then try rewarding yourself or try using mixes with water so that you can get the sweet w/o all the artificial sugar or calories.
  • Its so much harder to worry about calories when you are stressed about other things! Just remind yourself that even if you do go over calories its not the end of the world and that you can restart the next day but make sure you don't make a habit out of it. Also remind yourself that you will feel more rewarded when you…
  • There are a lot of articles on the web that argue both sides. Some doctors say that your body cannot regulate to much protein and it may stress out your organs. Other articles argue that as long as your working out protein can help build muscle. Its probably just a safe bet to not have to much of anything. Everything…
  • You need to get enough liquids!! thats a huge and important part of dieting, your body just doesn't function the same when its dehydrated Also a lot of the time that you think your body is telling you that your hungry, you are really just thirsty... could your weight gain be muscle?Are you measuring yourself along with…
  • It might be that the bars aren't satisfying your cravings, or whatever your eating isn't filling enough. Its not enough to watch calories you should really figure out how your body reacts to certain foods. Do Yogurts fill you up enough or not? Nuts, Bananas, usually help to fill me up. I also try to eat greek yogurt like…