

  • I love my reebox realflex shoes. they breathe when I run so my feet don't sweat and they are so flexible and have lots of cushion. i suffer from knee, ankle, hip and back pain. since i started doing more core training and strength training and cardio with jillian michaels, i can now run again and these shoes are…
  • Plank twists, scissor kicks, pushups, walking planks, standing pipes, bicycle crunches, squirms, side plank raises, I exercise with Jillian Michaels and she really focuses on strengthing the core. My balance and posture has greatly improved in just 5 weeks.
  • I exercise 2-3 times a day. In the mornings I do a 1 mile power walk/ jog and I do that after I have my coffee (only) the coffee really gives me the energy to get my walk in. After that I eat a good balanced breakfast and a few hours after that (before lunch) I do another workout (somedays it's intense cardio other days…
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