Yes, we all have bad days - heck I've had bad weeks - but I just have to remember, I can start over any time. This "illness" of overeating or food addiction is very difficult to deal with. We have to take the tiger out of the cage and take him for a walk at least 3 times a day - sometimes the tiger eats us, other days we…
Like most of us, I think, I have to "cheat" sometimes...for a couple of reasons. Number 1 - I'm diabetic and if my sugar drops very low I have to drink or eat something that will turn instantly to glucose that my body can use; Number 2 - I'm just not always going to plan my meals right. For instance, this weekend when we…
I have to eat breakfast every day because I take diabetes meds that make me VERY sick if I don't eat before taking them. Hard way to learn to eat breakfast (getting diabetes). I usually just have a bowl of cheerios and cup of skim milk. Except on the weekends when I get all messed up 'cause I might sleep in a little and…