

  • Hi girls. Lost 2 lbs. this week. I injured my back at work last friday so no work outs for me all week but I stuck with healthy eating and my water so did okay. Hoping to get back into work outs this weekend. s.w.- 217.8 c.w.- 210 G.W.- 175
  • Hi girls. I lost 4 lbs this week of my weight gain from last week. Was 216 last week and am back down to 212 now. I feel like I have my groove back so hopefully I will have another good week. I really watched my sodium this week so am going to watch that again this week. Still working on the water thing. Love my diet dew.…
  • Hi girls. Not a good week for me. I gained 3 lbs. I think the sodium hit me. Have to really keep an eye on it. S.W.- 213.8 C.W.- 216 G.W.- 175
  • Hi girls. Lost another pound this week. I did good with my eating and am getting better at my water. Have journaled all my food on here this week too. I am just starting to exercise again. I have a foot injury so am limited in what I do. I went to the gym last night for 30 min. on the TM and also got in two other nights…
  • Hi girls. Lost a pound this week, little over . Didn't do so hot on my water this week so want to work on that this next week and also log in all of my food on here too. I do have a foot injury and it is very painful so I will have to work on some upper body stuff. Hope you girls had a good week !! SW - 213.8 CW - 212 GW -…
  • Hi there. My name is Thia and I would love to do your challenge too if it isn't too late. My SW is : 213.8 GW - will be 175