lantana171 Member


  • i'm in! i'm going to aim at 6 pounds by the end of the month - i'm not sure i can do 8. my own personal challenge for this holiday weekend is to exercise every day. that keeps me a little more mindful of what i eat!
  • maybe because you already know you're going to go off track a little bit this weekend?
  • good for you! and you can do it - it's about the hardest thing you will ever do but you can get there. and if you gain a few pounds - you can lose those again. you're far healthier to carry a few extra pounds for a little bit in order to get over the cigarettes - then work on the weight again. when you want to smoke - go…
  • i struggle wtih this alot. growing up, food covered everything. feel sad? have a brownie. skin your knee? have some ice cream. bored? let's make cookies. got an a? let's go get a sundae to celebrate. EVERY emotion was adressed with food - and not good food. didn't help that my grandmother could have put most pastry chefs…
  • i snack out of boredom, too. my stomach may not be hungry, but my mouth wants to be entertained, LOL. the best investment i made was a $30 snow cone machine. i can make a nice big bowl of shaved ice, sprinkle about half a teaspoon of koolaid powder on it (about 10 calories, even using the one with sugar, and you use it…
  • mary, i have a bum shoulder so pushups are out for me, too. i'll join you on the sit ups side of the room!
  • thanks for the welcome. i've started from scratch here - new starting weight, reset my goals, and hopefully the journaling everything here will help keep me going!
  • it's really good to see that this board looks active - because boy, do i need some help with my stick-to-it-iveness. my partner and i joined a gym at the first of the year. we did great - for about 6 weeks. then life got in the way. then we did ok again - then something else interrupted us. then we started up again - then…