renevate Member


  • If your weight is the same in both pictures, then you have gained muscle weight. You are looking a lot more toned and healthy now. Just one tip: Every time you eat remind yourself that you need this to survive - just like you need oxygen. You don't feel guilty breathing, so you shouldn't feel guilty eating. I know, it's…
  • Thanks! It would be great to have a fellow PCOS sufferer on this journey :)
  • Well done. I'm also back for my second time. I lost some weight and then started gaining for no reason (other than PCOS) and got despondent and gave up completely. I got angry when my Step MIL's gossip about how fat I was got back to me and thought, I'll show that ****, just who does she think she is, judging me? So, back…
  • Hi! I'm in South Africa. It's nice to see kgs in a post. I have 14kg to lose
  • There are days when you want to eat half a lemon meringue pie all by yourself (yes, I am going through a separation and I baked a lemon meringue pie and ate more than half all by myself in one day. Don't judge me, I won't judge you). But you need to remember that each day stands alone. Sure, one day may be lemon meringue…
  • Thank you! I was fine on Metformin (the slow release) after the first 2 weeks of adjustment. It really curbed my appetite and the weight just fell off. Now my gynae won't put me back on it - apparently I've been doing too well controlling my blood sugar levels and I no longer need it. At very least, I am no longer obese -…
  • It can take a week to reflect on the scale. That said, my numbers never add up, whether I'm in deficit or over, I pretty much stay where I am (except when my weight decides to climb for no reason)
  • There were two moments for me. The first was when I went to get new clothes and discovered I was too big to wear regular clothes and needed to shop in the plus section. The second was when I got home from said shopping trip and weighed myself, only to see 99,8kg on the scale. I thought, it's bad enough having to shop plus…
  • That is incredible! Congratulations. I truly hope the stem cell procedure will give you many more years
  • I was diagnosed with PCOS and was put on Metformin just until I fell pregnant. That helped with weight loss, but my gynae took me off it and now all I have is my birth control (which doesn't help at all with weight control). Nearly 5 years later and I'm still struggling to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight. I'm only 5kg…
  • And then you get South Africa... Chips are crisps (thin, crunchy, come in a packet from a chip factory), while the deep fried kind you get with your burger meal at a drive through are also chips, they're just call slap chips (not slap as in across the face, but the Afrikaans slap which means floppy)
  • I'm starting to run for the 4th time. It seems every time I start making progress I get hurt and I have to stop to recover (the most recent injury was a fractured foot bone - one of the ones in the arch - I forget what it's called). It doesn't matter how slowly I take my couch to 5km (Zombies, Run! is my preferred poison),…
  • I have my morning coffee but usually don't eat until about 8-9am so I'm not sure if coffee counts as "food". If I don't exercise early (before breakfast) I don't exercise at all - work, home and life gets too busy after breakfast and then I have no energy at the end of the day. I don't find it makes much impact on my…
  • Gaining muscle weight is much better than losing fat or water weight. Reason being, muscles burn fat when they are worked. You will initially gain weight, but then will begin losing again. DON'T STOP! Rather measure yourself - that way you can see inches lost rather than weight
  • I agree completely. I would like to add though: It is a good idea to focus on the small things - it gives you something to focus on. But more than one baby step is achievable at a time. That way if you mess up on one of the baby steps, you have the others you are still achieving. For example - log everything you eat and…